calling any one from missouri

It's that time of year again and it's game on!

Tobacco Hornworms 0, JT 2.

Going to say Cyonara to any I missed tonight.

Ok.. who opened the flood gates? :tongue
I want to know the answer to that one too!

7 inches since Friday here. I had no idea when we migrated here in 08 that we adopted a monsoon state!

Bachelor coop is flooded. I have no idea how the rain got in as it is a metal clad shed....unless it came up from underground via the cracks in the concrete floor. It's an old shed. Old floor.

My garden? Moan. It is possible to get too much water. I think DH told me this morning that we are at 18 inches of rain for the past 3 weeks up here in Macon county. Can't get in to pick, can't get in to weed. Plants are pounded to the ground. Grumble grumble. Only thing happy are the squash plants and they are running with a zealousness that makes me think I'm living a Stephen King novel.

Rained so hard Friday night through Sunday that our metal roof developed a leak from wind blown rain getting blown under our roof we need to hunt out a longer roof cap.

Rained again this morning but stopped after lunch. Looking ahead. More rain Wednesday night through Sunday. In IL where we were held prisoner by our jobs until we could escape to the sanity that is Missouri, when the weatherman said 30% chance of seldom rained.

Here when they say 30% chance of rain, better drag out the muck boots and the rain slickers cause by Godfrey it is bound to rain. 40%? Guaranteed rain. 6 inch rains in one storm. You betcha!

Now just watch. By the middle of August it will be a desert with crunchy grass and cracks in the ground big enough to swallow up one of my chickens.

OOOOO! Sun just peeped out! I'm starting to feel like the song Hello Mudder Hello I am at Camp Granada..... Never mind... I'm going outside!
I want to know the answer to that one too!

7 inches since Friday here. I had no idea when we migrated here in 08 that we adopted a monsoon state!

Bachelor coop is flooded. I have no idea how the rain got in as it is a metal clad shed....unless it came up from underground via the cracks in the concrete floor. It's an old shed. Old floor.

My garden? Moan. It is possible to get too much water. I think DH told me this morning that we are at 18 inches of rain for the past 3 weeks up here in Macon county. Can't get in to pick, can't get in to weed. Plants are pounded to the ground. Grumble grumble. Only thing happy are the squash plants and they are running with a zealousness that makes me think I'm living a Stephen King novel.

Rained so hard Friday night through Sunday that our metal roof developed a leak from wind blown rain getting blown under our roof we need to hunt out a longer roof cap.

Rained again this morning but stopped after lunch. Looking ahead. More rain Wednesday night through Sunday. In IL where we were held prisoner by our jobs until we could escape to the sanity that is Missouri, when the weatherman said 30% chance of seldom rained.

Here when they say 30% chance of rain, better drag out the muck boots and the rain slickers cause by Godfrey it is bound to rain. 40%? Guaranteed rain. 6 inch rains in one storm. You betcha!

Now just watch. By the middle of August it will be a desert with crunchy grass and cracks in the ground big enough to swallow up one of my chickens.

OOOOO! Sun just peeped out! I'm starting to feel like the song Hello Mudder Hello I am at Camp Granada..... Never mind... I'm going outside!
I'm right there with ya.
I get the duck barns dried out just in time for another monsoon.
Water standing everywhere and between the mosquitos and the flies I'm not sure which ones are gonna carry me off first.
I'm right there with ya.
I get the duck barns dried out just in time for another monsoon.
Water standing everywhere and between the mosquitos and the flies I'm not sure which ones are gonna carry me off first.
I think the flies have actually outnumbered the mosquitos for the moment here. DH is sitting beside me on the sofa with an electric tennis racket type of fly swatter in hand and I have a regular flyswatter. I'm starting to think I need to stage them through the house.

The sun of earlier was short lived. Back to clouds and threatening rain. Radar looks clear though but it only kicks in above a certain elevation. Friday was fun. Tornados all around us and true to rural form we were outside eyes skyward looking to see if we could spot one.

DH assured me we had taken the storm spotter course early this spring so we were doing what we were trained to do.

Frankly I just think we entertain easily. Lightening, hail, pounding rain? How much more excitement can a body ask for?
I think the flies have actually outnumbered the mosquitos for the moment here. DH is sitting beside me on the sofa with an electric tennis racket type of fly swatter in hand and I have a regular flyswatter. I'm starting to think I need to stage them through the house.

The sun of earlier was short lived. Back to clouds and threatening rain. Radar looks clear though but it only kicks in above a certain elevation. Friday was fun. Tornados all around us and true to rural form we were outside eyes skyward looking to see if we could spot one.

DH assured me we had taken the storm spotter course early this spring so we were doing what we were trained to do.

Frankly I just think we entertain easily. Lightening, hail, pounding rain? How much more excitement can a body ask for?
I don't know it's a pretty fair tie here. At least the mosquitoes don't come in the house as bad as the flies. This dog is as bad as the kids were about wanting in and out in and out.. and he can push my back screen door open if I forget and leave the inside door open. With this rain he likes to push it open with his paw and stand there and look out letting a million flies in in about 10 seconds flat. 🤪

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