calling any one from missouri

What kind did you get?
🤣 we don’t remember 🤣🤣 but we are trying to figure it out😁
I’ll let you know when we get it figured out.
They are electric ( not solar) and they come with remote controls as well as being set to open/close automatically .
What kind did you get?

He went on eBay. It’s the $90.08 one !
Were any of affected by last night’s tornado outbreak? We saw the system moving to the south and east of us with constant lightning. It sounds like there were a lot of tornadoes, damage, and deaths.
🤞 that you all are ok this morning.....
No damage here.
But I was affected by three wet muddy dogs charging through the house to seek safety. 😂
All is well here in Macon county.

We had fog roll in about 11AM, then it rained most of the afternoon. We did have high winds most of the night. Some gusts in the mid 40s officially but the way the house was shaking I think it was higher here.

Thankfully no damage though. My chicken coop roof in is need of replacing and I looked out the front windows when I got up. No shingles, no wood, no chicken feathers.

Old shed must be made better than we thought.

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