calling any one from missouri

Well went to the coup and took Kefir and BOSS and gave them a little somethign yummy tonight! Also took some of their favorite toys and hung them in the coup while I was at it (A head of Cabbage and a stalk of celery! What can I say I am a sucker for a little feathery forlorn look like Dad the world is coming to an end ITs cold out and there is that AWFUL white stuff that really scares us we cant be out in that and there is nothing to eat (Other than chicken food that is always there LOL)

Anyway Missouri Mother Nature has played another one of her Games and dealt us a little slap in the face to show us that she is in charge!!!

So your chickens played the "Oh Woe is Me" game on you? Happens to me all the time LOL! Yep I am sucker too.
Oh it is so cold out. The wind makes it even worse. I finally got the electric in my second coop yesterday. I was so tired of breaking the ice 3 times a day. I am still going there 3 times to get the eggs before they freeze though. But I stay warm. My DH makes fun of me everytime I go to the coops which is across the road. I look pretty funny. I have ski pants over my jeans, pink muck boots on and a barn coat that is about 3 sizes to big! Oh and don't forget the face mask. Hey, whatever it takes, right?
So your chickens played the "Oh Woe is Me" game on you? Happens to me all the time LOL! Yep I am sucker too.
Oh it is so cold out. The wind makes it even worse. I finally got the electric in my second coop yesterday. I was so tired of breaking the ice 3 times a day. I am still going there 3 times to get the eggs before they freeze though. But I stay warm. My DH makes fun of me everytime I go to the coops which is across the road. I look pretty funny. I have ski pants over my jeans, pink muck boots on and a barn coat that is about 3 sizes to big! Oh and don't forget the face mask. Hey, whatever it takes, right?

That is correct! I even went so far as to run electric to thehouse to start and put a heat lamp in so it would Knock off the chill just a little! I know that theyhave little down coats and all but I keep thinkin how would I feel out there even in a down sleeping bag and when My Roo had black spots on his comb last year that was it and I was out in the cold bitter wind putting Electricity to the house~!! Yep that is me the sucker of the year BUT they provide me breakfast and a lot of entertainment and they help me to keep my Sanity


They Say I Have Severe A.D.H.D But they Just don't Understan.....................OH LOOK A Chicken!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I Know how you feel Ernie. I have electric to mine but I have had it for a while. I am sure if I had not already had it out there I would have ran it today! I have 4 electric waterers this year. I feel for all of you who dont have them. My neighbor dont have any and he has to chip the ice everyday! I have a heatlamp in one corner so anybody that wants to sit under can. It gives me great peace of mind. Sometimes there will be one sitting under it but most of the time not unless they are just trying to show me how tought they are when i get out there.

I think we all try and spoil our birds as much as we can. I know that there are a lot of things I do for them now that I wouuld have thought somebody was crazy for doing before.

I really enjoy reading everyones posts but I Ernie yours always seem to have a lot of heart in them. Thank you

bye the way.... what is BOSS and kefir? sorry but my feed store doesnt have this that I know of.
Emarble don't think of yourself as a sucker for adding a bit of heat. I've read all the post from our northern neighbors saying how we do not need to provide additional heat in a well built coop but I can't sleep without thinking about my chickens and the cold. I have not used the heat lamp as much this year as I did last year but it is on tonight. I also added a wireless thermometer and can check coop temperature from inside my house. Right now it is 17 outside and 29 inside the coop. The light is not on them and if they get too cold they can jump down and go over by the lamp. People may think we are a bit crazy for how we care for our chickens but there are a lot of crazier folks doing more for their cats and dogs.
BOSS is Black Oil Sunflower Seeds and Kefir is kind of like yogurt. It is thicker than Buttermilk but thinner than yogurt you can usually find it in the Dairy section of your grocery store
Thanks chickenshagg. I kind of feel like a fool about the BOSS I should have figured that one out but I have never heard of kefir. I will have to try feeding that. I have really only fed my birds veggies and have heard of yogurt and other things like table scraps.

I hope you didn't think I was making fun of emarble. I too said i do so things now that a few years ago I would have that were crazy.

I too am one of those fools with my dogs and cats. My dogs have always had their own dog room. I have several dogs in the house and have had chickens in the house which my sister thinks is absolutely crazy.
but I don't care.
davony's chicks :

Thanks chickenshagg. I kind of feel like a fool about the BOSS I should have figured that one out but I have never heard of kefir. I will have to try feeding that. I have really only fed my birds veggies and have heard of yogurt and other things like table scraps.

I hope you didn't think I was making fun of emarble. I too said i do so things now that a few years ago I would have that were crazy.

I too am one of those fools with my dogs and cats. My dogs have always had their own dog room. I have several dogs in the house and have had chickens in the house which my sister thinks is absolutely crazy.
but I don't care.

Nope, I actually did not see your post until after I posted mine. I'm a slow poster! I figured out what BOSS was just by reading posts on here so I did not think much of your question. Actually I was happy that I could answer a question. Since I am such a slow poster most of the times that I have the answer to a question someone else has done answered it by the time I post mine and then I look like a johnny come lately.

We don't have dogs but my wife has three cats one of which she has given him his own pillow on our bed. I tell her all the time that is my bed and not the cats and if she wants to let him sleep on her pillow then that is fine but do not call it his and say that is his spot on my bed.

Now talking about chickens I have had several chickens that have lived in the house for a short period of time. I had one that had gotten attacked by a dog so I brought it into the house to nurse it back to health. Heck my wife and I even gave this chicken a bath and then blow dried it a couple of times. I have another one that was given to me a year ago. It was a young pullet that was given to my sisters friend as a joke at Christmas. This woman kept it for a few weeks before she decided that she did not want it. I took it but with it being so cold out and it being the only one and so young I kept in the house for a while until I was able to integrate her into the flock. So crazy? Yes! Chickens living on kitchen table? Yep, crazy!
davony's chicks :


I Know how you feel Ernie. I have electric to mine but I have had it for a while. I am sure if I had not already had it out there I would have ran it today! I have 4 electric waterers this year. I feel for all of you who dont have them. My neighbor dont have any and he has to chip the ice everyday! I have a heatlamp in one corner so anybody that wants to sit under can. It gives me great peace of mind. Sometimes there will be one sitting under it but most of the time not unless they are just trying to show me how tought they are when i get out there.

I think we all try and spoil our birds as much as we can. I know that there are a lot of things I do for them now that I wouuld have thought somebody was crazy for doing before.

I really enjoy reading everyones posts but I Ernie yours always seem to have a lot of heart in them. Thank you

bye the way.... what is BOSS and kefir? sorry but my feed store doesnt have this that I know of.

Yes I decided that I was not going to go out and chop Ice 3 or 4 times a day to keep water to them so I bought 2 of the Large Heated Dog water dishes and use them I think it adds some heat to the inside of the coop too and they love the warmer water too! I think it helps too keep their little tummies warm to!

I should have insulated the inside some and it would probably stay warmer too!
HMMMMmm Maybe this year Need to see how many Sutherland reward points I have

As to the question BOSS is Black Oil Sunflower seed and Kefir is made from Whole Raw milk with cultures called grains! It is a very VERY Good and strong Probiotic that I started doing! I even drink it myself It is better for you and your chickens than yougurt or Butter milk as it has 42 different Yeast and Probiotics and it doesn't taste too bad! Kinda has the taste of Plain Yougurt! The chickens love it
I mix it in with the dusty stuff tha is left over in the bottom of the food dish and they think it is a treat

Kefir from the store only has 10 probiotics and Homemade Kefir has 42 probiotics an takes very little time and effort to make! It is a fermented milk product!! As a matter of fact I am sitting as we speak having a glass this morning

If you want to know more about the Kefir Here is a forum on BYC that we have been discussing it for some time now (Be forwarned that the forum has been running for a while and is about 30 pages long But is quite interesting) It is worth the read

Woops forgot to add the link first time

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