calling any one from missouri

i thought you meant "small" at first, then i realized you meant "small animal".

hey i'm an okie, we dont read so good!

my fault for not reading it correctly, you typed it right.
Lots has happened I see since I was here. I haven't been able to get online at home because of the weather... Strange isn't it? The weather effects the signal at my house...

Anyway, ya'll are talking about Jacobs Cave. It's right in my backyard and I have never made it to the swaps!! It is my goal to go this year. Even if I'm not selling anything... maybe buying...

Hope to see some of you there!!!
So far interesting... I've given the chickens the first 2 batches... they were leary of it at first. Then I added their food to it so they thought that was great! I just got it going on Friday evening. I tried some of it and it's kind of sour still. yesterday I added more milk early in the day and when I checked on it again it was overflowing! The coffee filter was soaked! So I split it into 2 quart jars with about 2 cups milk each. What kind of jar do you use?

I've got the Kumbacha going to. Boy was that an ordeal! I almost lost it all... The jar I had it in had a spigot on it that started leaking so I tried tightening it and ended up just cracking the glass! So I had to put it in a plastic container overnight. Sunday I got another glass jug from my mom, no spigot on it. Hope it comes out ok! Gallon glass jars are hard to come by in the stores these days... Once March hits they'll be everywhere!
for shame!
here i go and drive 300 miles to get there, [well almost that far,] and you have never been there.

my my my, whats a man to do!

it is more fun than a barrel of monkey's. oh wait, i dont think ive seen monkies there, yet!

kids seem to get the biggest kick out of it, all the differant animals to see. oh wait, that was me hooten and holleran last year.
I use a quart jar and put the kefir grains in it and then fill to about an inch from the top stir it and let it sit for about 24 hours then strain! I have gotten really bad about the measuring the milk~ I just got so i pour milk in till its an inch from top of quart canning jar! It is ok to split them if you want! I have right now about a cup of grains in a quart of Milk and they are making some really mild kefir! Mix some fruit in and make a smoothie If You can go here and their has been Lots of discussion going on about Kefir and Kombucha Post a question and they will all help!
They also have a lot of uses that have been discussed about the use of Kefir!!

The Kombucha should be fine! In a couple of days look at it and see if you see a mushroom forming on the top of the liquid! It will look like a white waxy kinda thing!!

Yes, I am not to far from it. Might take a trip up there soon but not sure the hubby would go. He isn't into all the "stuff" that goes with raising the chickens. That is my thing. He wants the eggs but that is as far as it goes. I take care of the chickens and sell the eggs. He watches the boob tube and is on the computer. LOL

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