calling any one from missouri

M(miss) C (chicken) L (little)

We have about an inch or so out there and it is still coming down slowly from the north. Heard one to three inches so that isn't to bad. But, some down here don't know how to drive in this so think I will stay in and off the streets today. Hope you are staying in and warm as well. How are the chickens doing with the snow?
I got some more pictures now that it's light out.

I guess I'm not going anywhere -FOR A LONG TIME
Yep it was a sleep in kinda day with all the snow! We have about 8 inches here and over half of the area schools closed down so I am sitting in this morning having coffee with my cat and just chillin! Havent ventured out to the chickens yet but I know they are ok cause i put them in lockdown last night and they have a nice home that is dry and warm! I also a new toy for them last night to help keep the boredom down!! and they have a heated water dish too so they will be great better than me when I tromp thru the snow!

Which by the way even if they could get out they would never dream of getting their dainty little chickie feet into snow as that might hurt them LOL

I do have a tarp over the run and the other day with the little bit of snow that was in there they would just walk up to it and look at it like it was something Evil

That's what it looks like in S St Louis City and it's still coming down. I'm trying to pump myself up to clear the sidewalks. Or, maybe I'll wait til it stops completely.
The snow appears to be done. I think we have 8 inches. My kids are disappointed though cause its the powdery kind. No snowmen here. I did trudge up to the chickens this morning to give them fresh water, bread and corn. I couldn't hardly get the door open cause the snow was above the door. Lots of shoveling is gonna happen.

No school today and unless the plows work miracles, we will probably be off tomorrow. That would be 4 snow days in less than 2 weeks. That only leaves us two scheduled left and we haven't even hit February. UGH!

I am with you on the meet up at Jacob's cave.

First day of Spring is two months from today-March 20th.
It has stopped snowing here in the lower south west corner and we might have 1 &1/2 inches out there. This is nothing for me but seems here in town it is a big deal. You all up there in the St Louis area sure did get hard. Could you all do me a favor though? Stop sending it down this way, PLEASE? I moved down here to get away from this stuff and here it is. Good day to watch some of that boob tube and drink some hot chocolate. Stay warm and don't over do the shoveling.
I also got eleven inches here on the east central part of the state. I live right a long that I-70 corridor which they said the snow storm was tracking along.
My son made $25 on the first driveway he shoveled. It is going to be a good money making day for him.

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