calling any one from missouri

Welcome pennfarm, I am in House Springs also

Great! We just moved here last November from Wildwood, been great so far except for the snow and ice this winter (our street and driveway are gravel and pretty steep.)
Welcome pennfarm, I am in House Springs also

Great! We just moved here last November from Wildwood, been great so far except for the snow and ice this winter (our street and driveway are gravel and pretty steep.)

Hey you're not too far from me in DeSoto. We used to be in Jeff Co part of Fenton. It was bad this winter wasn't it? Snowed/iced in for a week, and I couldn't drive my car up and down my driveway for another week after that! I slipped on the ice right in front of the chicken coop. Banged into their door, knocked it off the track and spilled their water I was carrying. The chickens were looking at me like I was crazy!

And welcome to BYC! I'm new here myself and I can't stay away!!! I've already learned so much!
I loved hanging out with you all at the Heartland Classic and can't wait to come back next spring. I wished I could have made it in time to see the table top judging for the Serama's but I'll make it next show if I have to spend the night before there.
April is such a busy month for shows, wish I'd planned my surgery date better but I learn something at every show. Thanks for being there! And congrats to your daughter!!!
Just wanted to share some pictures I took this morning of my Cochin pair. I turned them out for the first time since I got them this winter. They put themselves back in the pen after they had enough sunshine and grass.


That is so cute that you call the second one BIG FOOT. I had three little chicks hatch last night in the bator and the first one took up the whole egg and just looked huge. I joked and said I should call it Big Foot. Love your chickens.
I'm hanging close to the house today, got 4 Serama's hatching and the eggs were given to me from a mixed pen when I got the last 2 hens so I have no idea what colors they may be. Looks like at least a couple of the are black, hoping for a black cockerel


Just thought I would share with you what happened last night. Had 7 eggs but one died and three weren't anything but yolk. These are so sweet. I have talked to them since taking them out of the bator and they will come to me when I open the door to the cage they are in. Haven't gotten them to eat or drink yet but patience is worth it. Thanks for looking at my new babies.
Love the babies.

I don't know who loved today's weather more- me or the chickens. We were outside all day soaking up this lovely spring weather. I wonder if my chickens are as exhausted as I am.

Cleaned the chicken house out today. I always keep a deep layer of straw in it all winter and today it and the fertilizer(droppings) came out. The chickens thought I took it out just so they could undo the pile I made.

Found out two of my 6 phoenixes have the wrong color legs. They should have blue and two have green. Fortunately, the one my son wants to show has blue. He will be far from mature by fair time but still a sight to see. Not sure what we will do with the 2 green footed ones. May sell them ot keep the hen and sell the roo.

Teddi and everyone- because of the nice weather, we let out the Porcelain bully roo(Frederick) that we have had to separate.He starts a fight and actually seeks out chickens to bully. He walked out of the cage today and my BB RED Mogli (he's in charge) and his two sons-Peep and Chirp took out after Frederick. 3 little roos in a row chasing after the bully. Fred tucked tail and ran and there began a chase through my yard. The rest of the day, there were no issues with anyone. Frederick stayed on his side of the yard, and the BB Reds had free reign like always. No one has told my BB Reds that they are half the size of Frederick. I guess it just goes to show about that pecking order business. Where was the video camera when I needed it.

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