calling any one from missouri

uh uhhhhhhhh! that aint right at all!

sure must take a lot of roosters for a "chicken fry".

He only did one side. you have to do both I thought to get both of the boy parts... ??? What ain't right is throwing chicks into a grinder to kill the males!


you can caponize through one incision if you are good, which he obviously is

I am by no means squeamish or soft hearted, I have been a vet tech for 18 years and have seen a lot of cruelty. But that video made me cry. To me, caponizing is a much better way to go.
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I am soft hearted and chickens, cows, pigs and other animals are meat for humans. I do not think being cruel is ok though. Caponizing isn't a fun thing for the chicks but it is more humane than slaughter in a grinder!!!

Also, there has to be a way to use all the chicks for human consumption. I know it won't be popular since they take a lot of feed to finish out but there has to be a way... Besides, I think capons are supposed to taste a lot better... I ate one once from the store and I couldn't tell a difference. later I found out it was because it was just a Caponized cornish cross. No difference just bigger!

Does anyone here know the guys from McKinney and Govero? I hoped they might still keep up an interest in poultry even if they're not doing it professionally.

Paul Govero, and I think it might have been Gary? McKinney...

If anyone can put me in touch with either of them, please drop me a PM.
I'm doing a poultry history project and would love to be able to interview either one of them about their experiences sourcing and raising their rare poultry breeds.

Thanks for any help!
exop, in Indiana
I have not done it yet, but I obtained a caponizing kit from ebay. I wish I knew someone who has done a few that could show me in person. I have been a vet tech for 18 years now, so I am sure that I am more than capable, but it would still be nice to see an "expert" do it first. Also, I have searched everywhere for a good how-to video with no luck. If you find someone, post a video. I would love to see it.

I am processing my cornish rock roos tomorrow. I think after I've done the deed and they can't feel anything I might do a dry run with them. If doesn't seem to difficult on a huge fat dead chick I might actually get the guts to try it on a live small chick someday... I would love to raise something else besides cornish x for their meat, but my neighbors don't appreciate crowing. My one roo now is pushing it. And I can't bring myself to process a pullet.

Well I tried. Problem being my cornish x were too fat, couldn't figure it out. Am done raising them for meaties. I processed my BO roo at the beginning of spring when he went after my 1 and 1/2 year old. Did not realize what a huge difference there was. My meaties had no feathers on their bellies from laying on them all the time. 2 of their wings came apart and split through the skin when they were flapping. One was starting to limp, and with the hot weather they haven't semed too happy. A friend accidently got a meatie and brought her over for me to do with mine. He didn't limit her food and her abdomen was FULL of fat. Mine are used to free ranging, and while they waddle they actually run around and act like chickens, the entire 6 hours she was here before I actually did the deed she just sat in the same spot panting. Seemed sooo miserable. My BO was so much healthier and sturdier. I would so much rather eat something healthy. I still have 3 pullets and don't know what I'm going to do with them now. Don't really want to process them, but when they start to get like the roos were guess I'll have to, for their sake.
We had this trouble with the cornish crosses that we got the first time we got chickens, just couldn't bring ourselves to do it, but they were miserable. They couldn't roost, and then one night one died in her sleep, and a few days later a fox came and since they weren't roosting, reached in and grabbed them, of course, they were too big, so just got huge parts tore off. It was awful. We decided not more simply meat chickens. We'll eat roosters that are mean or extras or get just big birds for meant, but nothing that grows to big to be a chicken. I so understand all of this.

Oh, I just thought of something, there is a place here that'll process animals for you, of course it costs money, but maybe if it comes to that you could find a place like that? Find a place that people take their deer to, and ask if they'll process chickens, or put them on a diet so they don't get bigger
I thought about a diet and excercise program.
I was thinking if I found some low calorie treat they liked and would fill up on it might help. And maybe let my toddler chase them around a little bit each day to keep them in shape.
Am just afraid if I push it my fatties will have a heart attack.
how old were your birds?

anyone that goes to jacobs cave let me know how it was.

makes me almost sick i couldnt go.
was it full? were they giving good birds away?
I wanted to go to Jacob's Cave sooo bad!! But plans changed and I can't go.. I have never been, but I would love to! I was going to buy a pair of geese from a man near me but I got ahold of him the day he was loading his birds to take to Jacobs Cave. (This was Thursday) So I didn't get to buy the pair of geese thati desperately wanted... so if anybody here knows anyone selling a pair of geese near me, around Hannibal, let me know!
Does anyone need a broody hen? I put chicks under my Cochin momma who has done well this year with chicks she hatched herself but she killed the babies I put under her. I have NEVER had a Cochin do this before. Like I said, she did well with hatching her own but I have no interest in dealing with her on the nest that long. I will happily sell her if you want to hatch your own eggs. Of course, you'll have to transport her at night after she has gone to sleep or she will freak out and hop off the nest.

Let me know... BTW, I'm in the Kansas City, MO area between downtown, Lee's Summit and Independence...


I'll also edit this to say I have a LOT of baby Cochins too. I am happy to sell you as many as you like!
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