calling any one from missouri

I begin hatching in January or February. I usually hatch 100 a week or so. However, mine are all pure breds are more expensive than hatchery stock. If you are interested, you can PM me.

I will keep you in mind we hatch our own chicks but ocassionally buy them.
zzGypsy Leah makes the best pies up there. My dad used to practically live up there weekdays but he died in October. I live on the first street over the RR tracks there at the cemetery. Second driveway on the right before going around the corner heading to 14. There is a trailer right across the street from us. Flora used to make the cinnamon rolls and biscuits and gravy on Sundays but not sure if she still does that or not. She used to make cashew chicken that was to die for. Glad to know there are others who appreciate good cookin'
Hi everyone
I hope everyone had a great Christmas! The weather's been beautiful here for the end of December. My chickens had all stopped laying but are up to about 50% laying now, I think they like the weather.
we did, hope you did too!

I've got a pair of turkeys laying like its spring, and my ducks are starting to lay, along with two chickens I thought would NEVER start. and my older chickens are laying still.
had a good friend down for the holiday and we cooked...
fried eggs
scrambled eggs
quiche (swiss, bacon, mushroom) with turkey, duck, chicken eggs
egg/potato fritattas
orange cranberry muffins with duck eggs
banana raisin muffins with turkey eggs....

I think we ate 5 dozen eggs in 3 days...
we did, hope you did too!

I've got a pair of turkeys laying like its spring, and my ducks are starting to lay, along with two chickens I thought would NEVER start. and my older chickens are laying still.
had a good friend down for the holiday and we cooked...
fried eggs
scrambled eggs
quiche (swiss, bacon, mushroom) with turkey, duck, chicken eggs
egg/potato fritattas
orange cranberry muffins with duck eggs
banana raisin muffins with turkey eggs....

I think we ate 5 dozen eggs in 3 days...

Lol. I have been making cookies like crazy. My ducks just started laying a few months ago and have gone nonstop. I've been picking my recipes based on the amount of eggs, lol. I haven't even thought about looking for turkey eggs too, my midget white hen is about 8 months old. I'm just glad my chickens are back to laying, I miss my deviled and over easy eggs. They just aren't the same with duck eggs.
see and I'd rather eat duck eggs than chicken eggs in anything any day...

even my good home grown chicken eggs.
although I will say the turkey eggs are growing on me... but cracking them? mmm. different problem, even more than the duck eggs! I think we only managed to get one turkey egg cracked all weekend without getting shells in the bowl.

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