calling any one from missouri

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I'm from Marionville as well, I've lived here about 3 years.
if you hear murmurings of a chicken ordinance here, that's partially my fault, We've got the Committee meeting this Thursday to write the ordinance, and it "Should" come up for vote the following Thursday.

Any of you Marionville residents feel like coming to either meeting to lend your voice I'd love to see you there.
I'm not in marionville proper, a couple miles to the west (aurora address). tell me about the ordinance? what are you looking to acomplish at the meeting? I probably can't go (work) and don't have standing (outside city limits) but if there's something I can do, ask... maybe I can figure out how to be of service.
They passed one of those in Fort Worth, Tx while I lived there. They claimed it
was to try and cut down on the amount of cock fighting going on.
The ordinance they passed was to limit the number of roosters that you can
have based on the amount of land you have. We lived on 1/2 acre and were
limited to 2 roosters, which really made it hard for us as we breed and show
bantam Silkies in buff and self-blue. They were trying for 1 rooster but we
went to the meetings and raised the question about different colors/breeds
etc for hobbyists.
Of course, it did no good when they are still handing out exemptions to people.
They have given exemptions to people with over 50 roosters on their small
property, and no hens- so you know they weren't using them for breeding.
well, Currently we aren't allowed to have chickens at all, unless we have 3 acres zoned agricultural, I've copied Springfields ordinance, and the meeting on thursday is to tailor it to fit Marionville.

Raseri, sure hope you can get it passed so that you can get some chickens. Where would you get yours from? I get mine from Estes and go and pick them up when they have what I ordered ready. I live in Marionville and currently have 12 hens and one rooster. There are days I wish I didn't have him but he is my grand daughters favorite. Called today and ordered 12 more chicks and 4 ducks for mid March. GOOD LUCK!!!
The wife found a hatchery in Lebanon with Easter Eggers, those intrigued her enough to get on board with this whole deal.
I have a 6 foot privacy fence and plan on 2-3 hens so umm... this ordinance change only sort of affects me. my chicken tractor is built, I figured i'd just wait for march when the coldest nights are over.


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