Calling goat experts! Need opinion!


Sep 5, 2019
Western NY
Hello friends! I'm very new to keeping goats. I bought my first 2 alpine/nubian almost 5 month old doelings about 2 weeks ago. I began to notice 1 of the doelings was growing in the belly area and the area near her utter area began looking puffed up as well. I spoke to the original owner and it turns out a buck got into their pen a few times in the last month or so. I'm worried because she's only about 50lbs. Does she look like she could be expecting???


@cassie , yes she either is or isn't pregnant, and nothing can be done, but it is important to know whether or not she is for several reasons:
Feeding - pregnant does should get alfalfa (at least near to kidding) and grain
Health - pregnant does should be dewormed and vaccinated if the owner so chooses
Housing - a dry, secure, safe, and warm place should be made ready for a kidding. Fencing should be able to keep kids from escaping.
Preparation - a kidding kit should be collected and a vet should be on speed dial
etc etc etc
Look. Either she is pregnant or she isn't. I am betting she is. In any event there isn't a lot you can do about it at this point. If it makes you feel any better I once had a kid get bred at three months. I'm not proud of it but it happened, I named the baby Yoletta's Surprise because Yoletta was not the only one who was surprised. In this case I did not milk Yoletta that year because she was so young when she kidded. She was not quite eight months. Both goats eventually matured into nice big does. You want to feed this doe all the hay she will eat and I would feed some grain too. You want her to have enough nutrition to support both her and the growing fetus but you don't want her to get fat, either. I didn't look at the picture as closely as I should have, but udder development starts when they are about three months along.

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