Calls and Cayugas 2021

Are ALL those precious little things broody? What in the world are you gonna do with all those babies?

As much as I’d love to hatch some little ducklings, I don’t want any more ducks. I don’t eat their eggs and I can’t find anyone else who wants them so that makes them just a food machine. Although they are good for a few laughs.
:lau I hope you still have all your fingers!?
Here it looks like as if Blanca Duck wants to go broody!!! (shudder!) Somebody needs to call quack-one-one if i suddenly disappear…
These little duckies don't bother with fingers.. they go straight for the face. You are either getting a wing slap or a nose pinch. 🤣
Are ALL those precious little things broody? What in the world are you gonna do with all those babies?

As much as I’d love to hatch some little ducklings, I don’t want any more ducks. I don’t eat their eggs and I can’t find anyone else who wants them so that makes them just a food machine. Although they are good for a few laughs.
I have already had a few people contact me from last year wanting more. I'm sure any females I hatch will sell. If I have to I will process extra drakes to eat.
These little duckies don't bother with fingers.. they go straight for the face. You are either getting a wing slap or a nose pinch. 🤣
😩 Lawd have mercy! Are those cute and tiny ducks that vicious?
I have already had a few people contact me from last year wanting more. I'm sure any females I hatch will sell. If I have to I will process extra drakes to eat.
You know, I would raise some if I knew I’d like the taste of duck and if I knew how to process the extra males. From the little bit I’ve read, there’s more involved with processing ducks. I have never tried to sell any newly hatched chicks. At what age would you take them from the broody and sell them?
These little duckies don't bother with fingers.. they go straight for the face. You are either getting a wing slap or a nose pinch. 🤣
So that is the time when you should wear a helmet when entering the duck house?

I have already had a few people contact me from last year wanting more. I'm sure any females I hatch will sell. If I have to I will process extra drakes to eat.
That is my problem: I could not process or eat a birb that i have raised or have seen being raised by one of my duckies. :oops:
I could not even give these drakes away to somebody or whom i know will kill and eat them, like the owner of the store who sells the duck's eggs. He is asking me for duck-boyz to eat…
😩 Lawd have mercy! Are those cute and tiny ducks that vicious?

You know, I would raise some if I knew I’d like the taste of duck and if I knew how to process the extra males. From the little bit I’ve read, there’s more involved with processing ducks. I have never tried to sell any newly hatched chicks. At what age would you take them from the broody and sell them?
A couple of my broodies can get vicious! 😂 Mostly they just hiss and fuss at you. Maggie tiniest bird that normally comes right up to me and eats from my hand is the one that will fly at your face and pinch your nose. She has no mercy. She actually drew blood one. I couldn't believe it.
It kind of depends on the broody mama how soon I will take them from her. I've had a few like Maggie who are really devoted to their babies. I don't like taking them from her too soon, they are starting feather out by 5 or 6 weeks and I'll usually advertise them then.
I've had a couple that were not all that interested in them after they were a week or two old and I'll go on and let someone take them then.

As far as the processing,
I know someone will tell me that this is wasteful but there really wasn't enough on the legs or wings to even mess with.
Just skinning back the breast and taking the breast meat is easy.
Keep some feathers and call it done.
That is my problem: I could not process or eat a birb that i have raised or have seen being raised by one of my duckies. :oops:
I could not even give these drakes away to somebody or whom i know will kill and eat them, like the owner of the store who sells the duck's eggs. He is asking me for duck-boyz to eat…
Hmmmm! 🤔 Hillbilly, you already have HOW MANY duckies? Seeing as you are very fortunate with not having many predators, you are gonna wind up with more ducks than you can shake a stick at. (Just a figure of speech! Not that you’d ever have a reason to raise a stick to your babies!) You are gonna have to go on a poor man’s diet in order to feed all of them. And obviously male ducks are not as vicious to each other as cock/erels are.

I’m very curious, so realistically speaking, how many could you possibly add in just one year - by natural means of broodies, no incubators?

In your case I believe duck math is stronger than chicken math! :lau
Hmmmm! 🤔 Hillbilly, you already have HOW MANY duckies? Seeing as you are very fortunate with not having many predators, you are gonna wind up with more ducks than you can shake a stick at. (Just a figure of speech! Not that you’d ever have a reason to raise a stick to your babies!) You are gonna have to go on a poor man’s diet in order to feed all of them. And obviously male ducks are not as vicious to each other as cock/erels are.

I’m very curious, so realistically speaking, how many could you possibly add in just one year - by natural means of broodies, no incubators?

In your case I believe duck math is stronger than chicken math! :lau
Currently there are 28 ducks and eleven drakes messing around here, meaning if i stop collecting their eggs there would be a ducksplosion here:
If just ½ of all those eggs would hatch, the ground around my house would be covered with little quackers in six months. After that a poopvalance would fill up the valley, followed by a stinky eggsaster… - No, let's not follow that thought! I will continue collecting and selling the eggs, suppressing any broody ambitions immediately 🤞🏼.
As for the poor man's diet, you can see that the ducks made a meager profit in March, so during the warm season they pay for themselves
Currently there are 28 ducks and eleven drakes messing around here, meaning if i stop collecting their eggs there would be a ducksplosion here:
If just ½ of all those eggs would hatch, the ground around my house would be covered with little quackers in six months. After that a poopvalance would fill up the valley, followed by a stinky eggsaster… - No, let's not follow that thought! I will continue collecting and selling the eggs, suppressing any broody ambitions immediately 🤞🏼.
As for the poor man's diet, you can see that the ducks made a meager profit in March, so during the warm season they pay for themselves
I have got to find another way to ‘sell’ my chicken (and duck eggs). We only sell a hand full of dozens a month and we give the majority away. I’m not a good salesman. I’m afraid I couldn’t sell ice water in h***!:idunno

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