Calories from freeranging.


10 Years
Apr 23, 2009
laguna hills CA
OK. I cannot freerange my turkeys because of my dogs but have been giving them all the greens they can eat and then some. They are fat and happy but the consumption of normal feed has dropped off to nearly zero. Is that typical??
I don't know anything about turkeys but it doesn't sound right - hopefully this will get someone who knows to post .
We are having a similar experience with poults. They roam and eat what they want but now hardly touch the 'normal' food or water. They go crazy for the ants eggs that we give them so you might try that if you are worried.
Most turkeys do prefer green stuff to feed. They like weeds better then ornamental grasses, and will eat crab grass before blue grass. They also love seed so you might want to have some bird feed or fancy scratch if the greens you are giving them done have seeds.

Of course you can run into that rare turkey who likes feed better, odd behavior stand out more in small flocks.

The turkeys and chickens both like the tender grasses and young weeds with soft broad tender leaves best. Actually still prefer the real treats like apple, melon rinds etc.. Guess it is all good saving on the feed bills and it forces me to weed my orchard a little more.LOL. The yolks on the chicken eggs are the darkest orange I have ever seen. Just don't want to cause any nutritional deficiencies as the fresh greens are relitively low in calcium and protein I think. Instincts are great and all but I still need to do my part to keep my chickens and turks well nourished.
You are correct, in that they are not going to get enough protein if they are not eating their food and can not free range. They are filling up on bulk food and not enough "good stuff". How old are they?
Sharon they are 8 months old and just started to lay eggs this past week. They have free access to feed, oyster shells and greens every day but cannot hunt bugs because I bring the greens to them. Can't let them freerange due to preditors. I have 4 pens. This is my MW pen. The other turkey pens are getting the same treatment and have not shown as much decrease in feed consumption. They also are not laying yet. This has been a short term observation of about 2 weeks so.
Check the individual greens that you are giving them. Some can actually be high in protein (I believe clovers and alfalfa are). They may be getting what they need, just hard to tell unless you get an idea of exactly what you are giving them and check nutritional value. There are site that have the information for pasture forage.
how silly turkeys know what there needs are , they will eat what they need, who likes dry feed, when you have fresh feed all day! never had a turkey starve running loose, or really would there be any wild turkeys my birds gain and run free! tom!!!

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