Campbell color/pattern question


9 Years
Sep 11, 2010
Hi all!

I have an obnoxious gray-splashed-with-black duck we call Ms. Gray and who we believe is a Campbell. We got her at the same time we got some Kahki campbell girls (and a boy) and she laid eggs just as well as any of the Khaki's did. She is now nearing 6 years old and I would like to find a drake to pair with her so I can hatch a few of her eggs before she stops laying completely.

We love her color and pattern - pale blue with big black splotches - so what should we look for in a mate to try to replicate these colors? Should I try to find a mallard to breed her with? Is there a mallard color/pattern that has big spots of black over solid blue? Should I look for someone with Campbells who might have a "sport" I could buy? What about crossing with Australian spotted or mini appleyards? So far I have not come across any duck breeds that have a recognized pattern that is similar to her coloration. We would also like to keep the egg laying ability in the line as well. That is why we got Campbells in the first place :)

I would love some input as I hope to get a drake for her this Spring.

I will try to get some photos this weekend. SHe began life as solid blue with the black splotches, but in her old age, she now has a considerable number of white feathers. I am fine with black and/or white splotches. She is just so strikingly different from the other ducks.
So here are some photos of the duck I am asking about. When she was a year old, she looked like the top two photos - basically reminded me of the color on my Blue Slate turkeys - gray with splotches of black. She is the same size and shape as my Khaki Campbells, she has a khaki colored bill and multi-colored feet (orange with gray splotches) and she laid eggs just as well as my Khaki ducks. The round photo at the bottom shows what she looks like as of tonight (2-15-13). The older she has gotten, the more her light gray feathers have become white with each molt. Either color - gray with black splotches or gray with black and white splotches would be fine with me. So what do I breed her with to get there?

She looks like a mix of some kind from her coloring and body shape. She could have blue swedish or blue runner in her. As ducks age, a lot of them will get more white feathering.

Because you don't know what her parentage is, you will not be able to guarantee what the offspring look like. Blue is a dilution of black, hence the black on her feathers. She looks (in coloring) very similar to a Runner duck that I used to have.

Here are some basics:

Black x Blue = 50% Black & 50% Blue
Blue x Blue = 50% Blue, 25% Black, & 25% Splash

Blue x Splash = 50% Blue & 50% Splash

Try this link. Just go to the duck link

Again, because you don't know her parentage, you won't know for sure what you will get. And (since I say this to everyone) make sure to have a plan for the resulting ducklings.
I think she is absolutely lovely! My *guess* is she is a mix of some sort, my mixes here all have the splotchy feet. In my pic, the tall b+w duck that looks sort of Sweedish, well he is Pekin x Khaki Campbell. I know this because those are the possible drake contributions. All my ducks lay their eggs all over the place, so it's next to impossible to tell who the "real" mom is. LOL The way I understood things, the (wild) black gene will always be dominant for color, but with Khaki Campbells' there are also the dusky gene as well as a dilution gene. Whew. Lots to genetics! I have seen a very old thread here before, let me see if I can find it. It only shows up after I clear my cookies and visit the mobile site. You will need to post pics and results if you breed here. And send me some eggs! LOL
Thanks HollyDuckFarmer! We think she is pretty as well :) We are definitely planning to try to hatch a few ducklings from her this year as she is no longer laying like she used to. But given that she is 6 years old, that is not too surprising. She still outlays my 6 year old black sex-link hens.

And thanks for the genetic info. I am pretty comfy with the basics when it comes to chicken colors and patterns, but the color terms are so different for ducks, and I haven't even begun to explore patterns. And the fact that different breeds use different terms for the same colors is pretty confusing as well.

And ducksinarow - thanks for the link. Very interesting. It looks like I can breed to a splash runner and then back to some Campbells to try to retain the size, shape and egg laying capacity while trying to get a larger pool of birds in the color I want. The big key, it seems, would be to find a black or blue Campbell to breed those Campbell x Runners back to.

And jdywntr, I totally agree that it is very important to have a plan for any creatures that you bring into life. I currently have way more showy WC black banty roos than I need, but I simply won't let them go until I find great homes for them. And when I do not have room in my pens, I do not breed. But since we love duck eggs and most of our ladies are getting pretty old, we do need a few replacement laying ducks for our flock. And drakes who are not the color I need or who do not find good homes will go to "freezer camp" along with any male muscovies we hatch this Spring.

Thanks again for all the helpful advice!

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