Can’t identify their quacks...


Aug 4, 2020
Hi - I’m new to raising and caring for ducks, and this website has helped me SO much over the past 7 weeks. Thank you!! However, despite all the info here, I still can’t figure out the genders of three of my ducks based on the sounds they make. One of them — a buff drake — I got from Metzer. The two Pekins and the Indian Runner I got from a feed store and have not been sexed. I think I’m tone deaf — can anyone tell from this video if any of them are hens? Thank you! The Pekins are seven weeks old and the runner is eight weeks.
:welcome There's a lot of drake talking there. :oops: Early on I may have heard one 'quack', but you have at least 3 drakes.
Thanks for your response - there’s such an assortment of sounds from them that it’s confusing - and one of the pekins makes a sound that the other one doesn’t lol. The runner seems to change vocalizations daily.
Ain't that the truth! This morning for the first time, my Indian Runner (called Fleur -- though possibly a Drake, oh well) sounded kind of like a train whistle. She also sounds like a chicken sometimes. When she was younger, around three weeks old, she had a temporary quack that disappeared. So that was weird.

One of my pekins grew much faster than the other one-- I'm pretty sure that one is a drake since they're from the same hatch. I had to give him extra niacin because his legs couldn't hold him up that long -- though sometimes from how the two of them sound at various times, I think I have it backwards. They're so entertaining and good natured, I don't mind if they're all drakes. I'd like to have eggs, but I don't eat eggs much anyway. I may get a female Buff from Metzer (the one they sent didn't make it a full day, sadly), but it will be a pain to make sure she's kept apart from them during mating season...we'll's an adventure!

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