can 2 week old chicks get mareks? need help asap


5 Years
Apr 17, 2014
We have 12 bantams that are two weeks old. They are not mareks vaccinated. One has a loss of balance on one side and has been tired all the time. It also shakes. We have it isolated. The chicks are in a clear plastic tote with a lamp and pine chips. They have starter/grower feed and water with electrolye. Is this mareks, or something else? If you have an idea what it could be, please answer asap! I need to know if its contagious.
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I don't think it is Mareks at this age. More than likely it is a neurological problem either from stress (suffered at hatch or in shipping) or vitamin deficiency. Weak chicks may be unbalanced, have problems walking, and shake. Electrolytes and vitamins are the key right now, and dip it's beak into the water as much as you have time for. Place a few feed crumbles around their feet on paper towel to encourage eating. Latr when eating soft egg may be given. Even all this may not help, but it is all you can do. Watch to see that it isn't trampled in the brooder by the others. Good luck, and I hope your chick gets better.
Sadly there is a lot that go wrong at this age. I'd suspect vitamin deficiency, injury, poor genetics, etc... They simply will not show signs of Marek's at only 2 weeks old. Young chicks that seem like they have "marek's" usually have one of the above problems, or sometimes Avian Encephalomyelitis.

If you can get it to perk back up and eat you can try vitamin therapy, as that's pretty often the most common problem when you see young chicks with balance problems.
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Unfortunately, that chick died, but the other ones are doing great, so at least it was not contagious, knock on wood. Thank you all for your help

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