Can a ameraucana chicken change it's egg color?

Thank you guys! I thought I was crazy. She was all alone because of her serious injury. So I knew it wasn't a case of her going in and out of a nest. So it has happened to others. I'll have to look in the olive eggers for that thread.
I'm looking at this thread, because I have two Ameraucanas (or mixed breed Americaunas) one with muffs and one without. They started laying the most beautiful blue eggs a few months ago. I am sure each was laying because sometimes I would get two blue eggs a day, and my other hens are deep brown egg layers. In the last few weeks the one without muffs started laying a small white egg. I know it is her, because I've watched her lay it. All of the hens cut way back on egg production over December and January and are just starting to perk up now. What factors, other than genetics, affect egg color?
I have about 8 hens laying brown eggs and one Easter Egger who laid a sage colored egg shell. Then one day I noticed that I hadn't seen a sage egg in over a week. She seemed to be acting normal and looked fine. One day I saw her just out of the nesting box and she had laid a brown shelled egg. I didn't realize the shell color could change until I started doing some research.
So here's some more evidence to add to the file: I have a 2 year old Ameraucana. This spring I got two baby Delawares. I knew the babies had started laying because I found small brown eggs - the Ameraucana had always laid large sort of olive colored eggs. After awhile, I was only finding brown eggs - usually 3. I thought it was strange, but assumed my Ameraucana had stopped laying due to the babies using her nesting box. But why 3 brown eggs every day. Strange. Today I found 2 brown eggs and one pure white one! Someone definitely changed their egg color. My girls have been upset lately because I only have one good nesting box and two of them fuss when one is in it. I just haven't had time to remedy this yet. Now I am wondering if they are stressed and that is what has caused the color change. Interesting!
Yes it is possible. I have an americauna /mix and she began laying blue eggs the first several months then molted and when she started to lay again they were lt. brown. I understood the color of the ears should tell the color of the eggs but her ears are bright blue.
I can add some info for future reference. I have 23 free range hens. 11 games, 6 Wyandottes, 5 white leghorns, and 1 white leghorn x Ameraucana cross. The games lay small white or beige eggs, the leghorns lay large white eggs, the Wyandottes large brown eggs, and the Ameraucana cross lays large green eggs...

... until today. Today she laid a medium sized, light blue egg. I know the light blue egg has to be from her and not one of the other hens.

So I’m convinced their egg color can change.

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