Can a broody chicken hatch duck eggs?

Thanks Cassie! I can picture it in a human perspective - "stop, you didn't wait 30 min. after you ate!", "you kids forgot your arm floaties, I mean wing floaties!", "stop splashing your sister!"...
Ahhh..thanks so much for the reply & pic! How super cute!!
Do the hen & ducklings primarily free range?
My chickens used to all the time until a few months ago I had a hawk incident and presently have two nests in the immediate vicinity, so now free ranging is limited to an hour before sunset and full days when we will be outside working.
So cute!! I hope these eggs are fertile. I am going to candle them in a couple days hopefully I'll see some progress

Thanks for sharing the pic.
Ahhh..thanks so much for the reply & pic! How super cute!!
Do the hen & ducklings primarily free range?
My chickens used to all the time until a few months ago I had a hawk incident and presently have two nests in the immediate vicinity, so now free ranging is limited to an hour before sunset and full days when we will be outside working.

They only free ranged while supervised while the babies were tiny, as we have kestrels and crows in this area, but once they got bigger we let them free range all day in the garden. They are almost full grown now, and have a good "running away" instinct and watch for things overhead (mainly planes!) so we don't worry about them too much. Sorry to hear you have had a hawk visit. We are probably too complacent, but the benefit and quality of life they get from free ranging seems to be worth the risk as the ducks and chickens just hate to be cooped up and go a bit stir crazy!​
Hi that's so exciting my hen has two duck eggs I candled one i sure see progress. I wondered if anyone has any advice she is in a high nesting box I don't know if I should move her before their born to my estimation next week. but babies might fall out any help?,
Well baby duckling was born today! Im so excited but all I could picture is the other chickens and ducks killing the baby so i took chance and removed mom and duckling sounds funny mom chicken the nest was up high like 12 inches or more. I pray I made a wise choice I put them in a coop on ground with some shavings. The water bottle with pebbles in tray to prevent possible drowning I'm so nervous. Today was a stressful this and one of my old dogs passed away so its been crazy.
My hen hatched two chicks and a duck egg we put in. She killed the duck a day later. Not sure why but it was grusume and deliberate judging by the way we found the poor bugger. She is on three more that we will remove once hatched. :(. It's a sad day in Farmsville.

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