Can a broody hen be tricked to raise introduced chicks?

it works great. the new chicks can't be older than a few days. simply place them under her at night when she's asleep. make sure the other hens can't get to her and the babies.
I had a broody hen sit on nothing for 2-3 weeks. I ended up putting 4 3-week old chicks under her at night and she accepted them right away! No problems with the chicks ages and being accepted by mama whatsoever.
I have had a broody australorp for a little over two weeks now and I decided to try this method out. I cleaned out the coop, set up a brooder and placed two eggs in it, away from the nest boxes. I was hoping she would see the eggs in the brooder, come down from the nest box and set on them. She didn't. I just picked up the chicks today as 1 day olds, and was hoping to place them under her tonight. My worry is, the nest box is placed 1 ft. above the ground held up by a roost, and how will the chicks get down if I place them under her while she's in there? Will she accept the brooder on ground level when the chicks come down from the nest box?
I have a hen that just hatched 6 chicks on April 21. I have 21 baby chicks coming around may 12 give or take a day. Would it be possible to sneak these chicks under the hen or are her chicks already to old to try to pass these new ones off as hers.Are 21 more chicks to much for her. Someone told me this should work but I would like to hear from others who may have tried this. Thank you for your comments.
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Well I shoved the three babies under her tonight. She did her "purring" while the chicks were peeping away. After a few seconds though the peeping and purring stopped and I hope they all fell asleep! Now my hope is that when she wakes up she won't freak out about the babies under her! Keep your fingers crossed!

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