Can a chicken eat a black widow spider?


Pooper Peeper
11 Years
Jul 26, 2008
Sebastopol, CA
I went in to the coop this morning and turned on the light. Hanging in a nesting box making a web looked like a black widow spider. When it realized the light was on it backed up into the dark. I tried to kill it but can't be 100% sure I got it.
That is incredible. Even more incredible is you guys talking about that so calmly. We don't have them here. Fisher cats and bears, sure. Poison ivy, check. But BLACK WIDOWS!? I bow to you all.
Hi there Skyfire, My Dad and his line are all Arkies. Gravette to be precise. Love it there. It is so beautiful. Any idea why chickies can eat the spider and not get sick???
I live out in the country,,,so they are everywhere,,,,better the chickens get them,,and the scorpions,,,than getting spider bit!! They also rescued me a few months ago from a baby copperhead snake,,that just so happened to be under my chair outside. One girl went under,,,scooped up the snake,,,ran out in front of me,,and before I could get it away from her,,another hen grabbed the other end on the snake,,,and the 'tug of war' was on. You can guess this out come I'm sure. Both hens had snake for lunch,,,,,,,the birds do need the protein,,,haha!!!
they are everywhere here.

one of my jobs is working at a school. you know how little girls do the whiny thing of oh look there's a spider help me save me? well, here you atually do have to go check it out because often it is a black widow. lol.

i just smash them and then if htere are egg sacks, smash those too. they are not quick and pretty easy to get actually. other spiders i leave a lone.

chickens can eat all kinds of freaky things. it woldnt' suprise me that they eat black widows. but when i think about it when i first moved in, i did have them. and now i don't. so hmm............maybe they are dong it and i just dont' even know.

my neighbors acorss the way find tarantulas. i only found one once and it was freaky to kill, like a mammal or something. now THAT would be something to see a chicken chase down and kill. lol
I moved here from Arizona a few years back. Totally surrounded by the mothers side of the family. We are on a small mountain just South of Fayetteville. Everyone knows everyone. Can't even step foot out the front door in your nightgown,,without the whole bunch knowing it by noon,,,,haha!!! But love it so much here,,,,,can't leave here now,,,,stuck,,,,

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