Can a chicken lay 2 eggs at once?


In the Brooder
9 Years
Aug 4, 2010
We have a flock of 15 hens, only one of which is laying so far. This is our first time keeping chickens, so I'm not sure what to expect. We started with 6--and added 9 more a few weeks later. One of the 'orginal' six is a White Leghorn--she just started laying last Tuesday, at 17 weeks and she has been awesome! We have gotten an egg a day, up until yesterday. Then today, I went out to see if she had laid one yet today, and found two!

Our original six hens consist of the White Leghorn, 3 Buff Orpingtons, and 2 RIR's. They are 18 weeks old. The 9 that we added later are: 3 White Leghorns, 1 RIR, 3 Black Americaunas, and 3 silver laced wyandottes. They are around 14 weeks.

So, did Betty (the leghorn) lay both? Or was it another hen? They were both in the same spot.


ETA: There were no eggs this morning when I let them out--around 8:30, and the 2 were there at noon when I went out.
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I have a RIR (i think it's the RIR) who is laying at 18 weeks. My guess is that one of your RIR's is starting to lay. She is probably getting the cue from the leghorn that the nesting box is where she's supposed to deposit her egg. I guess the only way to find out is to see if you consistently get 2 eggs from now week it might be 3!
Yep, they were both white! That's why I am confused! All the other hens should lay brown or colored eggs I believe, except the other 3 leghorns, but they are all month younger!
My RIR surprised me one day by laying 1 really big egg and 1 that was the size of a large marble. The big one was a double yoker and the little on had no yolk
I have 7 hens, 1 Roo
I check the nesting boxes periodically because they just started laying. Two days in a row, one chicken left a box and I found two eggs both mornings, same time. Either two hens share this box or she laid 2 eggs. But I haven't seen only the one in there for like an hour each time.
All Australorps. Help solve this mystery!

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