Can a chicken never lay an egg?

I've never heard of a Warren, so I had to look it up.
It's the same thing as an ISA Brown. Definitely bred for egg production!

It's just my guess, but I assume a hen could possibly be sterile, just like any other animal can be sterile. Some kind of birth defect or something. I'll keep my Leghorn around (another bird known for high production) to see if she ever starts laying. If not, oh well, she's just a pet.
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I have a silkie who has never laid an egg as well. She'll be 1 year old next week (yes I know their birthdates) - and she has never laid one. Every day I go out and hope it's her day but so far no. There is only 1 other chicken with her - a mixed silkie/Americana and she lays every other day like clockwork. She did take a month off for "mourning" the loss of her sibling who was "murdered" by some unknown assailant hehehe. I never thought I'd see the day that I had PET chickens- and yes I really think the trauma made her quit laying. I guess I'll assume that the silkie is just sterile and NO she will not become chicken soup like my husband kids with me. She's small so it wouldn't be worth the trouble anyway. She'll just remain a pet and my grandkids like her because she's small and easy to hold.

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