Can a chicken raise a goose


In the Brooder
Apr 11, 2021
So just yesterday I hatched three Chinese geese under a chicken. All eggs hatched and are doing well. I’ve heard they grow really fast. This might be a dumb question but how long do u think it will be till they will reach there moms size. The mom is a blue laced red Wyandotte
Very nice. Be careful if you allow her to flock raise the goslings. The flock may not accept them like they would chicks.
Okay I’ll be careful. This chicken has raised a couple broods before and gotten after any chickens who have tried to get close to her babies. I’m gonna wait a couple days before I let them be with the rest of the flock. They are only a day old and are still learning to walk. But do u know how long till they will get to be the same size as the chicken or like a range of weeks?
I am going to say within about 6 weeks. They grow really fast so it could be sooner than that. Except that anything is possible in the bird world and it could make a cute Disney movie I would be extra cautious about having them with adult chickens and once they are a few months old they can become pretty defensive about themselves and their territory. So, you may find you need to keep them apart at a point in the future.
Okay I will be careful in the beginning. I also won’t have them for too long cause I was just hatching them for a friend so it won’t be a problem when they get older

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