can a hen lat a egg everyday


7 Years
Aug 23, 2012
Hi I know this is a dumb question and I know the answer I think but I am going to ask the experts anyways. I have 2 Marans hens and 1 Ameracauna in a pen with a Black Copper Marans rooster I am getting 2 dark brown eggs every day the Ameracauna would not be laying a dark brown egg because of the rooster would she? I know hens do not lay a egg everyday or that is what I thought and I am sure they are all pure breeds no green or blue egg yet that is what the ameracuana would lay right. They are in a enclosed run and house so no one is getting in and laying. Thanks for any answers to my dumb question
Several days in a row but never ever day for weeks at a time. There is a report of a Black Australorp laying 364 eggs in 365. I would consider 300 eggs in a year to be a major achievement.
i believe the highest for a BCM is 6.5 per week. Are they the dark brown eggs like Maran brown or light brown? roosters have no effect on the color of eggs only fertility, we have a EE roo with brown layers and still haven't seen a difference in color just a very stunning lack of feathers on the poor chooks backs.

does you're amerecauna have a pea comb or single comb? also how old are they?
they both are a very interesting breed and are a joy to care for
i believe the highest for a BCM is 6.5 per week. Are they the dark brown eggs like Maran brown or light brown? roosters have no effect on the color of eggs only fertility, we have a EE roo with brown layers and still haven't seen a difference in color just a very stunning lack of feathers on the poor chooks backs. :(
does you're amerecauna have a pea comb or single comb? also how old are they?
they both are a very interesting breed and are a joy to care for
Thanks I did not think the roo would matter but I did not think the Marans would lay every day the eggs are dark Marans color the Ameracuana has a pea comb and muffs and bread the Marans are 23 weeks old and have been laying for 3 or 4 weeks.Thanks for your info they will slow down on thier egg laying soon I am sure

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