Can a pullet be too fat?


10 Years
Mar 7, 2009
Round Rock
My SLW pullet (7mos old) seems very fat. She's the top chicken in the pecking order, and she has the habit of following the others around and getting in on whatever they start eating, and she usually ends up driving them away so she can have the food to herself.

She has a very heavy, thick body. I can feel her breast bone, but it's not very noticeable. I can barely pick her up with both hands because her body is so large!

Is this normal for an SLW? What should be the usual weight for a 7 month-old pullet? She is a good layer, and rarely misses a day giving us an egg. I can weigh her if anyone wants to know her exact weight.

She's been having some yellow urates on her droppings (posted about that in the sick section) and I was worried that she might be developing a liver problem from being too fat.
It's funny you mention that, because she did not lay yesterday OR today, and that's unusual for her! I thought it was because we'd been having more cloudy days, and the daylight isn't as long now.

Anyone have an idea what you do when you have one chubby chicken? Should I not give her treats like I usually do? I know she should have unlimited access to layer food and water, so I'm not going to restrict that. I can just let the other 2 out for a treat and leave Betty inside the chicken house until they're done, if it's necessary.

I feed the 3 girls a handful of scratch each day (which Betty will drive the other 2 away from pretty quick if I don't stand over them the whole time they're eating) and usually some banana bits. We give random treats a few times a week (chopped grapes, watermelon, a few noodles, or whatever else seems appropriate for chickens. But not a huge amount of anything, really.)
you can cut back on the treats if you want. Or leave her out. But if she's laying everyday, its fair to assume she's healthy. although ive also heard that overweight chickens dont lay properly.

If you dont want to cut back on the treats, stick to healthy(ish) treats. Cracked corn and bread are supposed to be on the unhealthy fattening end of the scale, whereas greens are better for them.
Fat hens do not lay well.
Betty laid today after a 2-day break. Woohoo! But I do think I'll cut back on her scratch treats....I'll give her more healthy veggies and some fruit.

Thanks for the replies!

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