Can a racoon open a barn door latch?

I will be sure to update. I am in southwest Michigan and the property has been newly built. It was largely wooded before we got the land. There are many critters we have already seen including a raccoon climbing down a tree with a clif bar wrapper. In unbelievable. I’ve never had to take care of a nuisance animal but if they mess w my girls...they taken care of.
We had a problem with raccoons, They are very wary and smart. We tried many different baits to try to lure the into hav a heart traps. Finally discovered Marshmallows did the trick, every time! SSS......No more problems
It is illegal in our state(NY) to relocate the trapped raccoons.

Raccoons are dispatched and sent out with the trash.
im currently fighting a rat problem but they are more interested in eating the wiring off my MINI Cooper ($3k worth) and opening bags of feed than eggs or chickens.
Many times. If I try to get both my girls out on a walk at the same time it never fails one undoes the other's leash and then I have to wait all day till the escapee gets hungry enough to climb down out of whatever tree she climbs up playing hide and seek from me.


I know it barely looks like it but that's a harness so it stays on top and they can't get to it herself. I got the harnesses because I had hopes of walking them around at the same time and letting them play. I and them don't like getting just one out and leaving the other in the enclosure.
My aunt had a racoon many years ago. I have rehabbed quite a few opossum too. After having a particular one Ping, all opossum get a "get out of jail free card" here.
I dont think we have prices like that here! If that was the case, I would start hunting again. I only hunt coyote now, because of the bad problems we have with them.

Prices for hides were on the rise. I can remember getting more than that and barely getting $5 for the same hide. We quit hunting them and I got out of the coon hound business because the bottom fell out when I was a teen.

Meat has pretty much remained the same over the last 30 years. Just gotta know where to sell it.

I only trap now.
Speaking of four footed pests, can anyone recognize this paw print? I have been keeping my feed on the patio- the chicken feed and snacks are in metal cans and are safe- so far. I have been keeping the dog food on the patio also in a plastic container- just because it was what I had. The lid broke and is just sitting on top of the container- not connected. Today, I saw the lid was off with a print of the possible culprit left on it and food scattered everywhere. Now I wonder if I have coons, possums cats or just dogs around the back door. Will set up a camera to catch them tonight but just curious if anyone can ID the print. My dogs are small- I don't think the print is either one of theirs.
I did some research in animal tracks after I found HUGE tracks in the snow last winter. Turns out it was a big dog. But dogs and coyotes leave a pentagon shape with distinct claw marks. Cats as a whole have a track very similar to what you have. Their tracks lack the claw marks because the claws are retracted when they walk. That’s about all I know but the size of the track will tell you more.

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