Can a rooster have a sore throat??


5 Years
Feb 24, 2014
Quitman, Texas
This morning I was sitting out side listening to my roosters crowing and when it got time for my Silkie to crow he sounded bad. His crow didn't sound anything like normal and it sounded kind of painful to me. Has anyone else ever had this happen? What's wrong with my Cluck Norris! :(
Yes, chickens can have sore throats too. Anything that has a throat can have something painful happen to it, of course. ;)

But I'm guessing when you say 'sore throat' you're referring to something like strep infection or something viral? The answer to that is also yes, they can develop respiratory diseases which interfere with their throats.

Best wishes.
My vet said that bacterial throat infections are quite common. Not saying that your rooster has one, just that it is common according to my vet.
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