Can an old foot injury make your chicken more prone to frost bite? (Photos)

this is so interesting to watch! all looks to be in the healing process.nice and dry and a good normal size.
i guess some cracking is to be expected as it dries and flakes. as long as the cracking dosnt tear new skin
leaving little open bits for infection to get in id say this is def a waiting game now. but i know you'll be checking
for anything like that! your a dedicated chickie momma!lol
cant believe how well its looking! well done you,and rog!
i love that last pic of the flock :) i see the sadles staying put too!
your weather is certainly persistant! fingers crossed the suns right round the corner xxx
There is a dead toe tip here. That seems to be breaking away...only problem is is that I think it is also dead a bit of the ways on the bottom of the toe too. Hard to tell what's going to break away/peel away and what has good stuff remaining underneath. It's a mixed bag right now. I think Roger needs to come up for a foot spa and some ointment again as things start to crumble away. There's a bit of blood and white goopy stuff happening that I can see. I don't think it's out and out infected just sort of doing it's thing seperating and breaking away. If that makes sense.

Roger came up for his foot spa. And relaxed in the sink for the total amount of time it took him to eat 2 scrambled eggs.
I need to bribe him to stand in that epsom salt foot soak.

After soak I did some peroxide to cleanse and bubble away crusting and dirt. You can see the reddish scabby area which will be good tissue and then there is approximately just less than 1cm length of tissue that is quite wooden and I am sure will slough or slide off or with the claw.

Here is the under side.

It's pretty apparent what will come away. After Hydrogen peroxide I sprayed it real good with Veterycin and then applied bag balm. It has a sulfa compound in it and this is antibiotic type ointment with other soothing and healing agents. We'll see what happens here in the next few days. I don't think it's going to take long now to see what we're left with. It's been bleeding on and off today as it breaking away. i've then put on telfa (nonstick) padding and Vet Wrap again until he's healed well enough where I think it will be okay to expose it again to the floor elements in the run.
its all looking under control :) does look like that claw and end of toe will be a loss but hopefully wont be a problem for him. hopefully it wont be long now to see the result.
still it all looks in the healing process and no infection spreading
covering it sounds sensible if its bleeding some, lets face it they will step in their own poop!
i know i wouldnt be out in my coop barefoot with a cut! or without a cut come to think of it!

Today we came home and found Roger on a sunny brown grass hill (new spot between the big areas of snow yet) with all his flock. He led the way up the hill and brought 'em to greener pastures. They loved him for it I'm sure. So we were so excited watching them scratch around in this "new spot" that has been freed of it's snow and I looked down and saw a new development with Roger's toe. The bandaging for the last few weeks worked next to none with the way I had been doing it. So I just decided to leave it off. Here is what we found.

This is a bit graphic for some I'm sure so I apologize. I just want people to have this that want to know the progression of such things.

I had been worried about how the bone would be affected and it appears that it has just sort of amputated itself. Needless to say this got a "brought in to the house" Vetericyn spray, antibiotic ointment, telfa non stick pad and vet wrap....wrapped in a different way so as to stay on hopefull longer than the previous ones have. We'll probably keep doing that until this is closed the remaining way. Uff da. I guess I had hoped that he'd have a claw here to regrow...but I'm thinking that hope is long gone and it turned out to be more damaged than we had hoped or were thinking it was going to be. Well he is a tough old bird. And he's adapted to things and still takes care of every body.

It's mud season around here right now. The roads are a mess and the yard has alot of snow yet in it keeping them confined to areas of higher grassy areas thankfully. But Rog did try to return everybody back to the coop through a snow path and ended up stranding everybody in deeper snow. So the kids and I got them all back to the coop around dusk....lifting them through the deeper snow. So sweet. Glad to help our chooks.

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Bless that lovely bird! :) he looks after his girls so well :) well the toes looking good, i know its a bit bloody at the moment and probly gave you a bit of a shock just dropping off like that but i do think this is a good thing, that toe was clearly not getting a blood supply and it was a worry what would happen with regard to further infection ect but now its off the stub looks nice and clean, a little while and hopefully that will heal over into a nice neat stub. i bet he wont miss it at all. he's a keeper thats for sure, tough as old boots! yay for rog xxx good luck with the bandaging! im crossing my fingers for you that he dosnt pay it too much interest and it stays on, little rascal! lol xxx
Choptank. It looks pretty clean and covered by flesh soooo--I think-- it's going to heal over well, if I can keep infection out of it. The toe seems larger than the rest, swollen...but I think there's lots happening there with the lymph and the repair that's happening. That's my guess on that. He's seems careful with it...yet still going about life, eating, taking care of business. Etc.

He's going to be a Papa here in a month or so. We're going to set some eggs with a friend of mine kindergarten class.
So looking forward to seeing his chicks. Of course I have the baby Momma's already in mind...LOL. There should be some neat barnyard crosses that's for sure.

The Flock had their first Birthday yesterday. I'm sure the 10th was the majorities hatch I picked them up from the Farm and Fleet on April 13th last year. I can't believe it's only been a year. I feel like the wealth of information and things we've learned are more than a years' worth-- certainly.

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