Can anyboby tell me what kind of chick this is?


10 Years
Nov 8, 2009
Port Charlotte, Florida


Thanks it came as an xtra!
By comb, wattle, and stance it looks like you have a rooster.

As for breed I would have to say white rock as well, or a Cornish Rock cross.
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Yep he's a Cornish Rock rooster (meatbreed), and even if you could have roos, he would get too large and would likely injure your hens, that breed was born to die, so it would be best to butcher him when he reaches a good weight or he may grow too large and start having leg problems.
I agree he looks like a Cornish Rock. I had a dyed Easter chicken from a local feed store back around 1997 that was what I believe a Cornish Rock (or similar). He was on a feed schedule and only feed so much a day, so he lasted about 5-6 years before he lost his legs. They just collapsed with in a week. You can't keep another rooster you could slaughter, sell, or give him away. Anyway you go best of luck.

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