Can anybody Tell me what kind of Bird this is!!!

Yep it's a coot, they are very common here in the UK, looks identical to ours except maybe the black spots on the bill of the American one, so cool I just love their feet have to be the most ugliest ever but so cute at the same time! it's unusual for it to just walk into your house though, it's either tame or sick
Oh wow! You're so lucky to find one so tame; they're generally very skittish. Maybe this one was raised by people? What happened to it after it wandered in?

Coots are actually not related to ducks. Whereas ducks have webbed feet, coots independently evolved their own way to get around in the water by developing "lobed toes". They're a member of the rail family, i think, along with moorhens.
wow they live in ok? where there? i have a friend who lives in ok city just wondering if it was that reagion so i can call her to make sure the evil mutant from mars has not landed at her place too!
Coot, mudhen, etc. Somewhere out there on one of the "bird" sites - I don't remember where I ran across it - coot eggs are available for hatching. It's one of the sites that specialize in selling waterfowl.

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