Can anyone help, chicken laying soft shell eggs, always misshapen

Scots Lass

5 Years
Apr 8, 2014
My ex battery chicken has had it rough, had her 3-4 weeks all the others have come on great, she had a broken egg inside her, some of the yolk came out , took her to the vets who treated her with antibiotics as she had stopped eating and drinking, the shell came out later, kept her in a warm box indoors overnight and she started to come round, but she is eating and drinking well now and she has been wormed, but her eggs still come out very soft, sometimes broken, or misshapen, is there anything I can give her or is she lacking in something as the others are all in good health with strong eggs, I've tried her with oyster shells and egg shells in her food any advice would be greatly appreciated, x
It sounds like there might be a problem with her reproductive system. There's not much you can do if that's the case. Causes could be due to Infectious Bronchitis (IB) or some other abnormality.
Thanks, she's not in any discomfort just now , I'll just keep an eye on her you're probably right there as the vet said similar, was hoping there was something that I could do, but at least she is enjoying the sun and all the space here, compared to the battery farm, x

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