Can anyone identify which breed this chick is pleease ?

Farmer Tim

7 Years
May 21, 2012
i Everyone !

Recently we ordered some Rhode Island Red hatching eggs from the internet and hatched them using the mini eco incubator we bought. First time we have hatched our own ! from 6 eggs we got 4 hatched however sadly two of them died shortly after hatching. Luckily two of them are going strong, we have called them Rene and Mimi and they are now best buds, totally inseperable.

Since hatching Mimi has looked exactly how i have seen picture of a Rhode Island Red chick should look, however the other one Rene' has looked yellow and fluffy. Since they have been growing they have become increasingly different and we are sure now that Rene isnt a RIR.

I have attached some pics from the hatch right through until yesterday... i think they are nearly 3 weeks old now.

We would really love to know what sort of chicken Rene is, she has started to grow white feathers with spots of light brown. She is slightly bigger than Mimi the RIR and in my opinion has particuarly fluffy looking legs above the knees (but that might be in my head :p )

any guesses welcome !

many thanks in advance

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hard to tell at this age, RIR or PR.....try some pics in a few weeks and see...also try posting in the other thread for Breed and will get more answers that way! Can't wait to see pics when they are a bit older....
Haven't had any RIR so no experience there. Maybe a pullet and a cockerel could explain the coloration difference. I have PR's and the wing feathers at that age were the darker brown with the tips a little lighter but not white. Red Star maybe for Rene? Red Star is a cross or hybrid between a RIR and a white breed (white rock I think). Colors can change some as they get older and molt also. Mine had the lighter tips when they were small but now are a solid red color with a darker head and neck. Guess time will tell.
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here are some more pics from this week in case they give anyone some ideas... Rene seems to be growing and developing almost twice as fast as Mimi now

Hi, thanks for the suggestion. She only has four toes on each foot not five, but having looked at the pics on google of Salmon Faverolle then its definetly the best guess so far... do they have to have 5 toes to be a Salmon Faverolle ???
And also black breasted reds. Right now I've got:

Cubalaya, (black-breasted red) Kraienkoppe, or Red Pyle OEGB (funny, I only thought about the OEGB, but she doesn't look like a bantam, so probably no), do some research on those, tell me what you think.

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