Can anyone tell me what breed and gender these 2 are?


7 Years
Feb 2, 2015

I bought these 2 bantams about a week ago. They are supposed to be 2 hens, about 1 year old. However neither has laid an egg yet. I suspect that the 1 on the top rung may be a rooster and that they may both be a lot younger than a year. They are both very small, although some bantam breeds are very small even as adult. However since I don't know what breed they are I cant really tell anything about them. So any guesses as to their breed?
They are both female. Do they have feathered legs? If so then they are mottled bantam Cochins.
They are both clean legged, no feather footing.

This is the dominant one that I thought might be a rooster. The two others it is chasing in the picture are for size comparison, the brown and white chickens are 3 and 1/2 months old. As you can see there is quite a size difference and this bantam is the larger of the 2 bantams.


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