Can anyone tell me what breed these chicks all could be?


5 Years
Jun 10, 2014
My cochin hen hatched all these hicks I think two of the yellow ones are white leghorns but I'm not sure about them all...

There is no way to determine at such a young age. You should wait til they are at least 6-8 weeks old, then submit new pics and we can go from there...cute little fuzzy-butts!!
Where did the eggs come from?

I see one of the black ones has a white spot on its head. That would indicate that it will be a barred bird. The white ones have black spots. That is what white leghorns crosses look like. The pure Leghorns don't have the black spots. What are you seeing as far as combs go? You should be able to tell if they have single combs or some other type at this age. These photos aren't really good, but if you can narrow down the possibilities based on where the eggs came from, where they are pure breeds or mixes, etc. you should be able to figure out what you have. Also watch for feathers feet. That is a clear sign that can be used to sort breeds at this age.
Where did the eggs come from?

I see one of the black ones has a white spot on its head. That would indicate that it will be a barred bird. The white ones have black spots. That is what white leghorns crosses look like. The pure Leghorns don't have the black spots. What are you seeing as far as combs go? You should be able to tell if they have single combs or some other type at this age. These photos aren't really good, but if you can narrow down the possibilities based on where the eggs came from, where they are pure breeds or mixes, etc. you should be able to figure out what you have. Also watch for feathers feet. That is a clear sign that can be used to sort breeds at this age.
Define diverse. What breed or breeds of roosters do you have? How many of each?

What breeds of hens do you have? how many of each?

What color where the eggs the chicks hatched from?

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