Can anyone tell me what breeds my chickens are?

Thanks for the replies. Where I live (in Australia) it is currently going into Summer so we have long hot days... There is not much I can do to avoid the sunlight, but I will definitely not be forcing artificial lights on them...
It is possible to treat chickens (and other pet birds for that matter, e.g. cockatiels) with a hormone injection/implant to stop them from producing eggs. This is done to prolong the lives of birds that are prone to egg laying problems. It's really good if you have a strong bond with a pet bird and you are worried about her becoming eggbound. I have seen this done in older commercial egg layers, that are pets, whose owners are worried about the egg binding issue.
Additionally, the white leghorns in Australia may not suffer from the same issue of a short lifespan as their American counterparts as there is no market here for white commercial eggs, so our Leghorns have not been placed under the same commercial pressure as those in the States. Here, Leghorns are mostly bred by hobby farmers and backyard chicken enthusiasts, whilst the hatcheries here raise the brown sex links such as ISA and Hyline browns.

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