can anyone tell me what the best plucker is/who has it?

D'Angelo N Va.

10 Years
Dec 28, 2009
I am getting some cornish broilers in a week or two...I was thinking about 50 or so...can anyone tell me what they think is the best plucker.
I've used a Featherman a few times and it is a great unit. Other folks have built their own "whiz-bang" pluckers, which are essentially the same device, but most are belt driven instead of direct drive, like the Featherman. Both will take 3 or 4 scalded chickens and defeather them in 30 seconds when properly set up.

Google is your friend.
Thanks Dogfish..I appreciate that. I just got through killing and scalding, and cutting up trust me.I NEED A PLUCKER... :)
I built a gas powered chicken plucker that will pluck at least 2 chicken in 15 seconds.

It will probably do 4 at once but I never tried it.

Its on the whizbang idea with a little gandrimp cheapskate thrown in.
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