Can baby chicks learn nipple waterer?


In the Brooder
May 21, 2017
We just got our new baby chicks today and I'm worried they're not getting enough water. Only a few of them seem to even try to drink from the waterer. So far we've been pushing the "button" to get water to come out for them. I'm wondering if their beaks are even strong enough to push it at just a day old. Are we trying to start them out on it too soon? Should we do something different and try this at an older age?

We're doing a fermented feed that is barely moist (not the wetter stuff) so I'm wondering if they're getting their water from that. I just don't want to lose a chick to dehydration!

Have you tried gently tapping their beaks on the nipple until water comes out? Once one realises that’s how to get water the others should soon follow suit.

I’ve never tried nipple waterers with chicks but if you are concerned put some clean pebbles in a shallow dish with some water and dip their beaks in it so they know where to find it. Good luck.
I think you're going to have to wait until the chicks get to be a few months old before you can reliably use that waterer. I'd get one of these until then. Pretty cheap. Put it up on a brick. They'll love you for it.

Ya, I think I'm going to just have to get a regular waterer for now. Those horizontal nipples seem to take a lot of force to get the water to come out. I don't think the vertical ones take as much or something.
The vertical nipples take no effort because it's just the weight of the pin sealing the valve. The horizontal nipples have a spring that forces the pin to seal the valve.
I've got that same bucket waterer! At 2 days old we started the chicks on nipples and they picked it up right away while they'll take water from a tray too.

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