can bantam--hens, esp.--live and be housed w/standards?


12 Years
Jul 22, 2008
South Central MA
I would like to get some bantam foster mothers for my breeding program. but i want to house all birds together when breeding and brooding pens are not in use.
Can i safely keep bantam hens with standard roos.....................?
thank 'ewe'
Maybe yes, maybe no. If they are free ranged with enough space for the hens to get away from the standard roosters- probably no problems. In tighter quarters the possibility of physical damage from the roosters exists.
I have seramas and all sorts of tiny bantams in with huge Orps and Rocks and Jersey Giants. It's not that big a deal if everyone gets to have plenty of space to roam. It's especially easy if they grow up together, even if you just grow out some LF with the banties, so at introduction, the banties aren't unaccustomed to the LF and they aren't the only new kids.
i had 3 bantams, two hens one roo, and i had two standard size chicks end up being roosters, once they got older they started trying to breed with my little hens, and it was disturbing because they were much too big. i had more than enough coop space and free range all day and still didnt like what i was seeing. you may have better luck, many people keep both, just keep an eye on the roos with the smaller hens.
I have 4 BO pullets and a BO roo. I also have 3 silkies and a silkie mutt. I introduced them when the BO's were around 16 weeks and the silkies around 10 weeks. They seem to get along fine, although they keep to their own little cliques.

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