Can Bantams and bigger breeds coexist without trouble generally?


9 Years
Jun 10, 2010
Richlands, Virginia
I have some little chicks in the brooder, and wanted to get a few layers for eggs now.
The little chicks are going to be decent size hens.. Amberlinks, EE, Leghorns, etc..
The layers I have picked up are VERY heavy, large white hens.
Was told they are white rock, not sure really?
Anyway, I also picked up a tiny Bantam roo, and am considering going back to buy a little hen for him
Then, I have two little silkies. Could these breeds coexist ina coop & run without trouble usually,
or will I need a separate area for the little banties?
...Feeling pretty stupid after reading along and seeing almost the EXACT question already posted!!

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