Can chick be adopted if it's one-week older than new hatches


12 Years
Nov 19, 2007
I have one orphaned turkey chick I put in a brooder 2 days. I have a BO hen is in the process of hatching right now (I heard peeping under her tonight). If the turkey chick is only 1 week old (and desperately wants a home) would the hen accept it at this age do you think? I thought if I put it under her NOW rather than wait till she leaves her nest the turkey would have a better chance. Also, the turkey chick has darker stripes than the BO chicks will so it will look slightly different.
When do moms bond with their chicks?
You can always try, but need to be there to supervise. It just depends on the mother. If she senses that the new chick is an intruder, she can kill it. If this hen has raised other chicks along with other hens and their chicks, you usually won't have a problem. Sometimes, even though the hen might be accepting, the new chick might now go to the new hen. Good luck.

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