Can chickens attract rats?


7 Years
Nov 2, 2012
My family thinks that our chickens are attracting rats. We've caught three rats in the attic. Has anyone ever had problems with rats and the chickens were to blame?
How close to your house is your coop? Chickens themselves don't attract rats, but where there is feed, there will be vermin. It would help to keep the feed in a covered metal garbage can (mice and rats will chew through the plastic ones) and empty the feeders into that garbage can at night. I don't know why they'd be in your house, though, if your coop is any distance away. I think I'd try to figure out where they're getting in and plug that hole!
My coop is pretty close (less than 10 ft.) to the house. Maybe its the treats/leftovers that they don't eat that attracts the vermin. I will try to be more proactive with taking out uneaten food.
We think that the "rats" are actually just very big field mice. Since Saturday we have caught another two mice.

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