Can chickens eat coltsfoot?


8 Years
Jul 2, 2011
Is coltsfoot poisonous to chickens? I know it's fine for humans and rabbits, but apparently contains pyrrolizidine alkaloid senkirkine which is hepatotoxic.
And what other common plants/weeds can they eat at this time of year?
I need some greens for my ill chicken who can't peck them normally like the others because of mucked up feet and beak.
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For the feet, you could make a poultice out of it to help relieve some of the ulcerations.
Mallow and Slippery elm tea might be safer for respiratory issues. Coltsfoot has very low toxicidity, but in larger or continued doses it builds up in the liver according to my research. It has similar amounts of pyrrolizidine alkaloid as Comfrey.
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