Can Chickens Eat Moldy Cheese?

It can be a generational thing... but also comes from necessity. If you have no money to buy more food, you figure out what you can still eat & what you absolutely can’t.
Or even if you have enough money, but you don't want to go to the store right now, or don't have time to do it.

If it's the last cheese in the house, and I want a sandwich NOW, of course I'm going to just slice off the mold and then cut a piece of cheese for my sandwich.
I’ve never seen anything saying not to freeze cheese.

As a matter of fact, last time I got a 2-pack of big bags at Costco, I could swear it said “Use or freeze by: x date”

She would also fry chicken at lunch time, and pile it in a tea-towel lined basket, and any that remained, got covered by the ends of the towel, and stayed on the table all day. Until piece by piece it was eaten. If any was left, & she remembered, she’d put it in the icebox before she went to bed. But just as often, it was still on the table, & grandpa would wrap a piece or two in a hanky, and take it in his big, black lunchbox, along with a few biscuits or a hunk of cornbread, and head off to work. :eek:
Hence "articles" on Yahoo (aka clickbait).

My mom had some old school ways of preserving food as well. She'd cook up pots of stewed fatty beef, or boiled vegetables and noodles, and then simply put on the lid and leave it on the stovetop for up to 2 days. The fat would form a protective layer over the contents as it cooled and when you were ready to eat, you'd just crack an opening in the fat layer, scoop out what you wanted to eat, and sort of push the fat back into place.
We have a big bag of mozzarella cheese that has mold in several clusters throughout the bag that are too hard to pick out. I’m not sure if it is safe and have looked it up. I’ve gotten mixed responses: Some say that it should be fine as long as the birds aren’t too young or old and if fed in moderation, and others saying to absolutely not feed them anything moldy as it is too risky to play around with. Our flock free ranges everyday and messes around in the compost, which is not aerated, although I can’t say I’ve ever seen anything moldy in there. They’ve eaten pieces of glass, plastic, and toxic plants, and they’ve been completely fine so far. However, I’m not sure if mold is different, but I would hate to see so much cheese go to waste! It is a full 3 lb bag! Any advice is appreciated!

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