Can chickens get deer ticks?

yes. They are bugs and chickens will eat them for sure. I have never "fed" them to my chickens, as we find them on us that is, but I am
positive they eat them. Idk if they are bad for them, but the number of ticks we had here have diminished greatly since I got my chickens and let them free range. I wouldn't think they would hurt chickens though.
Oops, I meant if they can get them like my dog gets them. I didn't think deer ticks go after chickens.
I have had my chickens over 2years now and have never found a tick on any of them. Not to say that it's impossible, but I have never seen it. I do have a lot of chickens, but we hold them on a daily basis
I've never found a tick on my chickens, but I have found a tick on one of my geese, so I'd say it's possible.

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