Can chickens hatch guineas/ducks?

Sunshine Chick

9 Years
Jul 17, 2014
Hillsboro Ohio
I have a Dominique hen who’s wanting to hatch out some eggs. I don’t need any more chickens right now (except for liege fighters), but I could definitely use some friendlier Guinea keets! Could she sit on them and hatch them? I’m aware the incubation time is a bit longer than it is for chickens. What about ducks? Could she hatch out ducks? What if it’s a mixed batch of more than one kind of bird? If I make sure to get the timing right, like putting guineas under her 6 days earlier than chickens, etc, could I have her hatch out multiple kinds of poultry in one clutch? I would like to put a couple of the liege fighter eggs in there if that’s a possibility.

Mostly I just want to know if she can sit on another breed of poultry eggs and raise them just fine. 🙂 My guineas are so skittish that I wouldn’t want them raising the next generation. They’d only teach them to be scared of me. But this hen? She’s so sweet. I know guineas are a bit wild anyway, but they’d surely be much tamer with her as their mom.

I read somewhere on the backyard chicken website that they could bond or… what was the word? Attach? Something like that, to a different breed. Then they’d try to mate with them, which could cause damage to the smaller party. That is cause for concern for me. Is this true?
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Yes! They can and we have had GREAT success doing so with guineas I can't remember if we did ducks under chickens or not🤔 but when we put 6(or maybe it was 8) eggs under one chicken she hatched out 4 (this was after we removed the non fertile ones) and she did a great job raising them
Chickens can hatch guinea keets. I've had some successful hatches with chickens brooding over guinea eggs. I haven't had any raise them yet, but that's an "experiment" I'm going to try this year.
I do not recommend putting ducks with other fowl as chicks(like guineas) just cuz ducks are MESSY
That’s true! I think that might cause issues, actually. If they were only raising ducklings, I think it would be fine. But mixed? Probably not. And as I’m thinking of it, ducklings grow so much faster than chicks or keets that they might actually trample their nest mates… glad you mentioned this, as it reminded me of a few important differences between the three!
Yes! They can and we have had GREAT success doing so with guineas I can't remember if we did ducks under chickens or not🤔 but when we put 6(or maybe it was 8) eggs under one chicken she hatched out 4 (this was after we removed the non fertile ones) and she did a great job raising them
Sweet!!! Thank you for your response here, sharing your personal experience. I’m excited! 🤩 Supposing that the hen decides to stay sitting, that is. She hasn’t made her mind up yet. 🙄😆
Hence why her babies are made of golf balls for now. 😏

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