Can chicks eat from egg cartons, or are they too short?


9 Years
May 31, 2010
Hillsboro, Oregon
The title says it all. I'm just now finally talking myself into taking the plunge on this (I live with other people and don't want to step on toes, so I'm paranoid -- one of my roommates read over my shoulder and says, "You're not stepping on toes, get over it"), and I'm wondering if chicks are tall enough to reach into an egg carton to eat their starter feed. I'd tear off the lid and the tabs, of course. And.. is that too morbid?

(I'm just now working on getting my heating lamp stuff together, and looking at feeders/waterers on Amazon. I know where there's a reputable feed shop nearby that makes their own feed from local sources -- woohoo! -- and there's a place about 45 minutes' drive from where I am now that has silkie chicks for sale, aged 7 - 17 days. Excitement!)

Sorry for the rambling. Will even just one-week-old silkie chicks be able to reach into a standard, grocery-store recycled paper egg carton to get at their feed?
The only problem I would see with using the egg cartons is that they will get wet easily. Chicks usually are climbing all over the feeders at the feed stores so I wouldn't see a problem with them being able to eat out of them
As for the morbid part, most chickens love to eat hard boiled eggs. so I don't think it could be any worse than that...
At least those eggs weren't at some point fertilized...? Hopefully? At least... it's the same stuff they used to eat?

I'm trying to make the best of it but really there's just no way. /sigh

They should be able to reach them, but I think they will tip them over and waste a lot of feed. Why don't you want to use a regualar chick feeder? They're not very expensive and will work better then the cartons. I've used mine for many batches of chicks, but if you're only going to need it for this one time I'm sure you could sell it on cl or donate to a local 4-h outfit or animal shelter.
Nice recycling idea, however, the concern might be that they would peck pieces off of it, or poop on it and you couldn't clean it easily. Really, the chick feeders are designed to be just right for chicks to get their heads in and keep them from pooping in their food.
Honestly, it didn't occur to me that they'd be able to tip the carton over. And the cheapest one I'd found until just a few minutes ago was $18.95 on some site that I don't remember.. Then I changed my search terms on Amazon and found basically what I was looking for for $8 with shipping. I didn't realize they'd be able to climb on top of it... (My feed store only sells pullets and cockerels over 6 weeks in age.)
I use egg cartons with new chicks every time I put them in the brooder. Just the bottom half of the carton. Fill it full of chick starter then put them in. Never had one to turn over. It lets the chicks get right into the food, but the individual egg cups keep them from being able to scratch much of it out. After the first three days or thereabouts I take them out and put the regular chick feeders in because they'll be eating well by then. I usually use the paper cartons for this.

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