can day old chicks get mites PIcs added post #4

That is it!
Thanks, I won't be able to get any till morning I just hope that is ok.
Since the lice doesn't suck blood, I think they will be ok, I haven't seen any other kind of mites.
I have treated broody hens before (just powdered), as I am freaky about keeping things bug free around here. I have also done chicks, as a precaution. think of it this way.... if you leave the bugs untreated, chances are chicks will die. If you treat the chicks, they may or may not get sick, but probably not. I would take the chance.
Well TSC didn't have the dust that was suggested so I used
Dairy & Live Stock Dust Insecticide
It seemed to have the same ingredients.
On the can it said to control northern mites, and bummed! It said nothing about lice on poultry, but I used it any way! I went and checked the chicks ten minutes after applying the dust and the lice was falling off, so it seems to be working!
I removed all the old bedding and straw and dusted the floor, then put in new bedding. I then dusted Momma hen and then the chicks, I just hope I got all of the Momma, she is a cochin hen and has a lot of feathers!
I hope this works!
I will be doing all the rest of the birds on Fri. They are in a separate coop.
Should I change all the bedding, or can I just treat the bedding?
We changed all the bedding a week ago, so if I don't have to change it I'd be glad, since it would be money wasted, but I sure want to do the best thing!
Thanks again for all your help!
We just treated the bedding really well and made sure momma had plenty under her wings and around her vent. Glad it's getting rid of those bugs.
This is what I read about lice,

Common Chiken Parasites and How to Get Rid of Them

Lice Menopon gallinae appear as small, creamy brown insects that proliferate on the body of the bird. They congregate mostly towards the bird's butt end to lay their eggs (chalky white blobs stuck to the base of the feathers). Lice are transmitted by direct contact with infested birds. While it is believed that lice do not actually bite the birds, but rather eat dead skin and feather debris, the irritation they cause makes the birds pick at themselves, causing sores and general depression. Lice are easy to destroy, with a quick dip of the birds in a malathion bath and liberal use of a sulphur-based insecticide dust.

Here is another link, and it has pics
I also checked my peeps a little while ago and most of the lice were gone! I hope they will pull through this. They seem pretty active, but Momma was pretty mad that I changed her bedding
and moved things around.
I took the last 2 eggs, one was a dud and the other one had a chick, but stopped growing.
The one that hatched yesterday was found this morning smothered, I feel so bad.
So we have 2 peeps. I think one was fathered by the banty D'uccle, I guess time will tell!
Thanks again
I also checked my peeps a little while ago and most of the lice were gone! I hope they will pull through this. They seem pretty active, but Momma was pretty mad that I changed her bedding
and moved things around.
I took the last 2 eggs, one was a dud and the other one had a chick, but stopped growing.
The one that hatched yesterday was found this morning smothered, I feel so bad.
So we have 2 peeps. I think one was fathered by the banty D'uccle, I guess time will tell!
Thanks again
Hi Brenda,
Did your chicks survive the mite treatment you used?

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