Can EE hens go broody?


In the Brooder
5 Years
Apr 10, 2014
Ft myers, Florida
I have a few young EE hens they do not lay yet but when they start I was wondering if they can go broody cause I want them to hatch little chickies if not, how often do RIR's go broody?

Welcome to BYC!

EE's are pretty broody, so I think you will have some broodies in your group. RIR's are considered standard in broodiness. Not as broody as EE's, but can go broody as well. Do you have a rooster for fertile eggs?

Good luck with your flock and welcome to ours!
Welcome to BYC. Given their mixed heritage, EE frequently do go broody. Production reds from a hatchery may or may not go broody. Heritage RIR, depending upon the strain, may very well go broody. Good luck in getting a broody and raising some chicks.
Hello :frow and Welcome To BYC! You've gotten some good answers above. Good luck getting a broody!

Welcome to BYC!

EE's are pretty broody, so I think you will have some broodies in your group. RIR's are considered standard in broodiness. Not as broody as EE's, but can go broody as well. Do you have a rooster for fertile eggs? 

Good luck with your flock and welcome to ours!

Yes I do have a rooster just ordered silkie eggs from mpc hoping one goes broody before they arrive
Yes, EE hens will brood, however, many of them do not. Last spring I raised 22 EE pullets and as of date, only one has chose to go broody. I must say that those that do brood make great moms. This hen just hatched 9 Pheasant eggs and loves those babies.

If you want to hatch EE eggs when your young hens began to lay, I would suggest purchasing a couple of banty hens to hatch the EE eggs. Banhams are known for their brooding nature.

In my opion, RIRs are usually not great brooders as they are bred for production of eggs. Although, some will brood. I have one that acts if she will brood but never becomes so broody as to incubate eggs. She quits the nest.

Gotta love the EEs !!!
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Yes, EE hens will brood, however, many of them do not. Last spring I raised 22 EE hens and as of date, only one has chose to go broody. I must say that those that do brood make great moms. This hen just hatched 9 Pheasant eggs and loves those babies.
If you want to hatch EE eggs when your young hens began to lay, I would suggest purchasing a couple of banham hens to hatch the EE eggs. Banhams are known for their brooding nature.

RIRs are not great brooder as thery are bred for production of eggs. Although, some will brood. I have one that acts if she will brood but never becomes so broody as to incubate eggs.  She quits the nest.

Gotta love the EEs !!!  

Yay!! I got some bantams on the way!! Including silkie and I heard they go broody a lot!!
Lots of people use silkies as natural incubators but, NOT all silkies go broody and some don't make good mothers. Luckily the odds are best in favor.

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