Can EE's have light legs? Blonde?

Chickens by the Sea

In the Brooder
11 Years
Oct 21, 2008
Ventura, CA
Hi, I have a little blondie chick, with light legs, and very light feathers. She has what looks to be a pea comb, and fluffy feathers around her face. What is she? I was hoping for an EE, but she could also be a buff orpington. She came from a mix at the feed store.

Here are some pics.



I had one like that who turned into a gorgeous splash-ish or paint-ish EE with slate legs. She is wonderful.

I get B/B/S chicks from her and my EE roo.

There are lots of other little spots on her, more all the time.

The little cheeky puff make it look like an EE to me. It is clean-legged, right? I wouldn't think you would find D'Uccles or the like in a feed store batch.
Their legs will sometimes change color as they get older. If you look in this section for a thread about a white crested polish, you will see some pictures I posted of EEs that look very similar to yours. They started out with yellowish legs and they are now green.
I have a white EE that started out with yellow legs. They turned green as she got a bit older. She looked very much like your chick.

Cute baby!

BTW: Lily lays a lovely mint green egg too.

Here is Lily as a chick


And as an adult.


I don't have any good shots of her showing the green legs. She's very friendly and as soon as I start taking pics, she's in my face.
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That is what I'm hoping for, Soccer Mom!

Great pictures, thanks! She looks very similar to my girl- maybe a little lighter. What a beauty.
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Dont' forget, EEs don't really have a standard color. Most of them do have the willow green legs, but it is not a definitive characteristic. They can even be without muffs, tufts, or they can even lay just about any color egg. It is just that this one does have some of the characteristics inherent to EEs (aka descendants of Araucana crosses).

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