Can eggs break inside them? If so, what to do?


9 Years
May 10, 2010
My 1.5 year old black sex linked hen Delia hasn't been acting like herself the last couple of days. She kinda stands off by herself and although she eats, it isn't with enthusiasm. I checked her butt yesterday and there are almost no feathers on it. Today I checked again and there looks to be egg yolk dripped out of her vent. Yesterday I noticed some egg yolk on the poop board, but I thought it had been a fart egg that exploded on contact. Could she have a broken egg inside of her? If so, what can be done about it? Anything else that could be going on that you guys can think of? She is alert and walking around. Her vent is closed and appears normal (to me). Thanks!
Here is a link to a thread that includes instructions for treating your hen if an egg broke inside her. See post #3 in this thread, and good luck to you

an egg has broken inside your hen and you don't get all of the pieces and egg out, whatever material is left inside can cause infection.
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Thanks, this was helpful. I gave her a warm bath last night and irrigated her vent with vinegar and water. What came out was a whitish/yellow fluid but no shells. Not even a tiny piece of a shell. I lubed up the opening with some Vaseline as well. She enjoyed getting dried off in front of the space heater. Today she has passed a lot of the same whitish/yellowish fluid (looks like egg yolk and egg white) but no shells. She isn't much interested in eating and sleeps right next to the heat lamp on her roost. I have her isolated from the rest of the girls. She is alert and doesn't appear to be ill. Later on I will go out with my husband (to hold her) and see about feeling around in the vent for shell pieces. If I don't feel anything, she goes to the vet tomorrow. Could there be something else going on?
A trip to the vet this morning revealed that Delia did in fact have a collapsed egg inside her, but it was a soft one and couldn't be felt on palpation. It showed up on the x-ray. Amazingly, she expelled the thing after they took her x-ray. Unfortunately it's infected so she will be on antibiotics for 10 days. She's spending the night at the vet so they can rehydrate her, give her some food and meds. Wonder if this will be a recurrent problem with her, now. My poor little girl.

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