Can guinea's see when it is dark??


11 Years
May 19, 2011
The Blue Ridge Mountains of Virginia!
thought I read somewhere that guinea's can't see at this true or false??

and if true, than are others like peafowl also unable to see at night??
I don't know about Peafowl, but Guinea Fowl can not see at night. That is why I do not let my hens go broody on a nest. It is way to easy for a coon, coyote, or anything to just walk up and get them, they may be able to hear them but they can't see anything and don't want to leave their eggs.
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Peafowl and guinea's come from the same family of birds
so guessing then that the peafowl are also unable to see at night...

I find that very interesting as well as
a major disadvantage for them...

guess that is why they are in the same spots in the morning
as I would see them at night...
the easiest way to catch our guineas (only works for two or three before the others catch on) is a deep bowl and treats like millet, mealworms, wheat or scratch. they put their heads in and don't see you comming. But you better get a good hold the first try. there wont be a second.

Or at night on a roost, but then we need a ladder too. ladders and darkness also suggests good medical and disability insurance. I have it, but do not want to use either one.


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